Prescriptions For Health - 2/27/12
- BPA or Bisphenol A found to increase the risk of heart disease plus other harms.
- Stainless steel and copper for killing germs. SS and glass as alternatives to plastic.
- Why is Vitamin D in the news again?
- Working out for depression and burnout....even on the job.
- In the absence of symptoms, carotid ultrasounds are of no benefit.
- Testing for osteoporosis and EKG's, etc. over done (Churches need to research).
- Virtual Colonoscopy offers little benefit.
- What are the best probiotics that will survive the digestive tract?
- Medical Ethics
Vicki's 20:20 Health Tips:
- Trust your husband? LOL for laughter is the best medicine
- Oldie's at lunch....another LOL, " " " " "
Stuart from L.A., CA - BPA concern and bladder stone.