Prescriptions for Health Radio Show April 15, 2011

submitted by: admin on 07/27/2024

Prescriptions for Health Radio Show

April 15, 2011

Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki explore the following topics:

  • Death by Medicine by Gary Null, PhD
  • Drugs for ADD and ADHD
  • Drugs for Diabetic Neuropathy
  • The Photon Stimulator for Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Do Doctor's Follow Their Own Advice?
  • A Return to Healing
  • Coenzyme Q10
  • Dangers of Radiation from Japan

Vicki's 20-20 Tips

  • Mother Goose Tells the Truth About Middle Age
  • The "Headache" (lol)

prescriptions-for-health-radio-show-april-15-2011 (Audio)

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