Prescriptions for Health Radio Show: February 25, 2011

submitted by: admin on 03/13/2025

1st Hour: Talked about and the benefits, etc. Number of medical deaths - 400,000/yr. Medication side effects are often missed in the E.R. Hot flashes and night sweats from menopause are found to decrease heart attacks and strokes and death rates. Environmental pollution is causing deformed and intersex frogs. What is it doing to us? Vaccine lawsuits are not paid for by the pharmaceutical companies.....they are paid for by vaccine taxes! Science in medicine 15%, Science in medical literature is only 1%, Antibiotics are a huge threat to human health. Antibiotics and antibacterial wipes and soaps, etc. are increasing the incidence of super bugs.

Callers: Hank called re. his gallbladder surgery and shingles, Marie called about her allergies.

Tips: #1 - Deep Wisdom to Ponder, #2 - Comments that fulfill "Laughter as the Best Medicine"

2nd Hour: EMF Pollution, Probiotics good for brain development and behavior. Cognitive problems and how to improve them. Hearing loss, wellness buffer. Ocean pollution, PSA's and prostate cancer and biopsies.

Callers: Eric - surgery and probiotics, government and health care, gout (thorough explanation), Louise - osteopenia, Ellen I - questions about the radio and our website, Ellen II - Osteomark test - urine  test to measure breakdown of bone and cartilage. Yoga good for bones.

Tips: #3 - "A Cup of Tea", #4 - What it's like to be a Senior Citizen.

Prescriptions for Health Radio: February 25, 2011 Hour 1 (Audio)

Prescriptions for Health Radio: February 25, 2011 Hour 2 (Audio)

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