Revising School Nutrition Standards

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013

Eighty percent of a survey in the US showed that we need better food standards to reduce calories, fat and sodium and encourage fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy. There is some value to this, but there's more. Sugar and high fructose corn syrup should be very limited and certain fats need to be in our diets. Because there are vending machines with fast food that is not healthy in most schools because they make money off of them, about 40% of students purchase these unhealthy products.

Healthier kids mean lower health care costs and more productiviity. Showenthaler's work about 20 years ago showed that one healthly meal a day or a vitamin pill lowered violence in both schools and prisons by 44%.

A local movement in Walnut Creek, California called "The Walnut Creek Wellness CIty Challenge has set an example that we should be taking notice. They recommend no trans fats ever, calling foods that have sugar in the first three ingredients a dessert, and support 3 grams of fiber for every 100 calories. For more information go to

Revising School Nutrition Standards (Video)

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