Scientists Uncover New Treatment for Diabetic Neuropathy

submitted by: admin on 01/09/2017

An article published in May of 2012 in Nature Medicine reported that a chemical (methylglyoxal) that is produced excessively in people with painful diabetic neuropathy, appears to attack and modify a protein in nerve endings that causes nerves to become hypersensitive to pain, heat and cold. This may lead to investigating ways to increase an enzyme, glyoxalase, which removes methylglyoxal and could reduce or eliminate pain.

Who needs this when the treatment for painful diabetic neuropathy has already been discovered, is inexpensive, safe, and works in just a few 15 minute treatments with infrared light? For indepth information about this treatment, put "infrared light therapy" in the search box on While this treatment has not been approved by the FDA, Dr. Len has treated hundreds of people with this condition successfully.







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Dr. Saputo's Type 2 Health Assessment assesses what you what your risk factors are for type 2 diabetes, what are doing to control your diabetes in terms of drugs, supplements, and lifestyle, and reviews medications that can predispose to developing type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is usually a preventable and reversible disease once it has come on. It develops largely because of poor lifestyle habits related to diet, exercise, sleep, stress, weight, and toxic exposures (includes pharmaceutical drugs). While mainstream medicine relies mostly on drugs to manage blood sugar levels, all of these drugs have side effects, many of which are serious and even life-threatening. Dr. Saputo recommends lifestyle, dietary, and supplements as treatment for type 2 diabetes as strategies before using pharmaceutical drugs.


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