How Do You Know the Covid 19 Vaccine is for You?
Where can you find scientific information about the Covid 19 vaccine that you can trust?The challenge is that you only get one side of the story from the mainstream news and from government agencies such as the CDC, FDA, NIH, and WHO. Everything else is considered misinformation and is censored by television and Big Tech. Dr. Len and Francesco have collected information about the Covid 19 vaccine over the past year and share it with you, hoping you're get a better look at both sides of this story.
How Do You Know the Covid 19 Vaccine is for You?
Where can you find scientific information about the Covid 19 vaccine that you can trust?The challenge is that you only get one side of the story from the mainstream news and from government agencies such as the CDC, FDA, NIH, and WHO. Everything else is considered misinformation and is censored by television and Big Tech. Dr. Len and Francesco have collected information about the Covid 19 vaccine over the past year and share it with you, hoping you're get a better look at both sides of this story.