US Healthcare Unimproved Over the Past Decade

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013


US health care has failed to improve in most quality measures and there's been significant erosion in access to care and affordability. We rank last among all 16 industrialized countries with regard to deaths that might have been prevented with timely and effective care. This could account for 91,000 fewer deaths when compared to the country ranked number one.

We still spend up to twice as much money on health care as most other countries but overall our qaulity, access, efficiency, equity, and healthy lives we rank last! 81 Million Americans are under or un-insured. Insurance premiums have risen faster than wages. 40% of working -age adults had medical debt and the most common cause of bankruptcy is medical debt. We could save $55 billion per year in administrative costs and lower infant mortality by 35%

US Healthcare is Unimproved Over the Past Decade (Video)

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