Vicki's personal story on how to treat an injury

submitted by: admin on 10/24/2024


Vicki shares her fall and how she treated it naturally with positive results.  Vicki avoids the use of the usual antibacterial soaps or Neosporin ointment or pain pills with injury.  She also air dried her wounds after they stopped bleeding.

Vicki talks about what she recommends to include in a first aid kit. Her first aid kit contains DMSO, organic cotton balls and organic cotton swabs, Band Aides, gauze pads and tape, etc. She also keeps ice compresses in the freezer.

When Vicki fell, she gave herself some Reiki on her chin during her ride home and then treated her wounds ASAP by washing them followed by DMSO and ice. For her stress, she used some essential oil of lavender, took some herbs of chamomile and passion flower and put some arnica homeopathic pellets under her tongue to assist with reducing the bruising and bleeding.

She followed all of this with a photon stimulator treatment that day and the following day. It is a type of near infrared light that reduces pain and swelling and promotes lymphatic drainage and healing. She also saw her dentist that day to check her jaw. Before her appointment, she took 1000mg. Vitamin C in case he wanted to x-ray her jaws. Vitamin C is known for reducing the effects of radiation.

In three days, Vicki has no bruising and her wounds are almost healed. Keep in mind, she fell down a steep hill head first and landed on her chin and sprained both TMJs. Her palms, wrists and tops of her hands were all scraped up and very sore. The inside of her forearms and upper arms were strained.  Her chin was starting to bruise immediately and bled for a long time as did her left knee. Her right knee was swollen and very sore.

She also wore a copper bracelet on each wrist for her wrist pain.

Vicki also gives directions for using DMSO properly and safely as it is a solvent. DMSO is dimethylsulfoxide, an antioxidant and anti inflammatory that is made by the body. It can be used 3-4 times a day.

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