Vote Yes on Prop 37

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013


Dear Friends,


Please vote YES on Proposition 37. We want our food labeled if it contains GMO’s.


Monsanto, DuPont, and their supporters have pulled out all the stops in their last ditch efforts to confuse, mislead, and just about brainwash California voters.

They've raised $40 million so far, and their efforts, sad to say, are taking hold. The group of voters in favor of mandatory labeling of GMOs has shrunk from 68 to 48 percent. Less than half of all voters. 

That just shows you what well-crafted, misleading, false ads can do.

But we still have 48 percent, and it only takes 51 percent to win the vote. Let me be clear... We must win this battle that takes place on November 6th. There's too much at stake if we lose. 

There's no question that genetically engineered foods can harm you. Dozens of studies provide scientific evidence showing GE foods cause severe health problems. And the first-ever lifetime feeding study shows they can cause multiple organ damage and massive cancerous tumors. 

The core issue of this vote goes far deeper than just food labels (although transparent and truthful labeling is crucial). Do you really want to be kept in the dark about what's in your food? Relinquishing your power regarding food choice, freedom, and control to Big Food?

Anyone who votes against this initiative is, in essence, doing just this.


Tell everyone you know in California to vote YES on 37. If you can, see below and help get this to pass. We are up against big business with big advertising bucks. They have much to gain if it doesn’t pass and much to lose if it does. This is so important. Not just for California. California will set the precedent. Europe doesn’t even allow GE foods. Why do we??

You can donate to the cause by clicking here

VOTE YES ON PROP 37...We have a right to know whats in our food!


GMO Crops Must be Immediately Outlawed


GMO foods are dangerous and should be outlawed immediately. Longterm studies in mice show a high incidence of breast cancer as well as serious kidney and liver disorders. The problem with the research done by Monsanto and DuPont  that has been done is that they are all relatively short term and it takes many years for disease to develop when caused by GMO food.

GMO foods are created when new DNA is attached to a virus and injected into a plant or animal. This genetic information becomes incorporated into the genes of the organism and changes its physiology. In medicine, gene therapy offers great promise to people who cannot make insulin and other hormones, clotting factors for hemophiliacs, and enzymes that are genetically absent. It also offers hope to people with Parkinson's disease, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis and many other diseases.

In agriculture GMO foods are untested and should not be allowed into the food supply until they have been proven to be safe in animals first. The FDA does nothing to regulate GMO foods and the companies producing them are irresponsible because their only interest is return on investment. These same companies touted the safety of DDT and agent orange a couple of decades ago.

Proposition 37 is on the California ballot this October and will make it necessary for GMO companies to post on the food label that GMO food is present if it is. They have spend millions of dollars to stop this measure. Vote yes on prop 37!


GMO Crops Must be Immediately Outlawed (Video)

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