When is a Drug the Best Treatment for Hypertension?

submitted by: admin on 04/14/2015

Over the years the way we evaluate and treat for hypertension has changed considerably. There has been a tendency to treat blood pressures that are greater than 140/90, but new data published in the January issue of the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that for people over the age of 60 suggests that BPs of 150/90 should no longer be treated with drugs. 

Of course, everyone with hypertension should be advised to live a healthy lifestyle because it can control about 90% of all cases of hypertension by itself. Drugs should be reserved when a good try at lifestyle strategies such as diet, exercise, stress reduction, getting sufficient sleep, weighing what we should, and avoidance of toxic environmental chemicals. All patented drugs interfere with normal cell biochemistry and most have "side effects" that can cause disturbing symptoms. 




When is a Drug the Best Treatment for Hypertension? (Video)

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