Winter of Wellness

submitted by: admin on 02/05/2025


Free Telesummit with World-Class Pioneers 
Len Saputo, Joan Borysenko, Bernie Siegel, Dan Millman, Mingtong Gu Harville Hendrix, John Gray, Janet Attwood & MORE


If you’re like most people, your health is a top priority. When you feel good it's much easier to ride even the biggest waves that life throws at you. On the other hand, if your body hurts or your energy is low, if your mind is scattered or you feel disconnected from a larger source, even the smallest ripples can knock you down.

Wellness – TRUE wellness – is about so much more than your body. It involves every aspect of your being including your body, mind heart AND soul.

To create optimum health you must bring heightened awareness and enhanced well-being to ALL of these areas. But how do you do that?

Well, a free virtual telesummit from the Shift Network, the Winter of Wellness, is here to help, and I’m delighted that I’ll be speaking at this event along with other leading experts in all areas of holistic health and wellness – including Joan BorysenkoDr. Bernie SiegelJohn GrayDan Millman,Janet AttwoodHarville HendrixDavid Wolfe and so many more.

There are a total of 40 leading experts who will share profound insights and practical tools – all for FREE – that will help you create optimum health and wellness in 2012.

I'm excited and honored to be a part of this transformational program, and I hope you'll join me. The program runs from January 9th – March 22nd, but go register now because you won't want to miss any of these sessions. All you need is a phone line or a computer to participate!

Click here for your Fr-ee Registration:

Here’s to your optimum health and wellness in the New Year and beyond,

Dr. Len Saputo

P.S. As we accelerate into the Shift it becomes increasingly more important for each of us to show up fully and share our unique gifts. Your capacity to share your gifts fully is dependent on your health and wellbeing. Increase your vitality and wellness, and you immediately increase your ability to show up more fully as a force for positive change in the world. So if you are ready to step up and play a powerful, positive role in the Shift, you will definitely want to tune into the Winter of Wellness and make 2012 the year you create optimal health!

Sign up now:


Full Vitality Living Can be Yours!

Every moment you have the opportunity to heal your body, radiate total health and expand your capacity to lead a vibrant, fully expressed life.

Everything from the food you eat, your thoughts and beliefs, your relationship with a higher power, others and with yourself can either diminish or expand your capacity for total health.

For much of the western medicine world, however, health has meant the absence of illness. But “optimum wellness” is about far more than the absence of illness. It’s about full vitality living.

If you know that there is more to life than just being disease-free, the Winter of Wellness Free Telesummit will help you make that your reality!

Now, you can immerse yourself in an entire season of wellness: Monday through Thursday for three months, you’ll explore and fuel the four “fires” of optimum health: Body, Mind, Heart and Spirit.

Led by pioneers in integral health, wellness and mind-body-spirit medicine, you will learn:

  • Nutritional techniques for increasing natural beauty
  • Proven mind-body technologies that slow aging and increase longevity
  • Groundbreaking health and wellness research
  • Meditation and visualization techniques to help you access your inner healing wisdom
  • Holistic approaches to creating well-being in your family and your community


Four Tracks to Enhance Your Entire Being

From January to March, you will have free access to four Winter of Wellness sessions each week.

On Mondays we’ll focus on the BODY. Tuesdays, we’ll explore the MIND. Wednesdays, we’ll move into the HEART. And on Thursdays we’ll delve into the SOUL.

As you listen to the sessions from each of these four tracks, you will discover common threads as well as different and complementary approaches to optimal health. You’ll learn how ALL parts of your being - your body, mind, heart and soul - work in harmony to create and sustain your state of health and well-being.


Begin with the BODY

Your body has an amazing capacity for healing and vitality. In fact health, vitality and a sense of well-being is your natural state! But the hectic pace of our lives and the physical, emotional and energetic stressors of our daily life often prevent us from living in a state of optimal health.

Energy medicine, nutrition, ancient practices such as Qigong and emerging, leading-edge modalities have been proven to dramatically decrease stress, build your immune system and enhance your natural beauty, slowing the aging process and boosting your emotional and spiritual vitality.

The experts in our “Body” track, including Bernie Siegel, David Wolfe, John Gray and Dan Millman, will show you how to tap into your body’s innate healing power and experience radiant health.



MIND Over Matter

Someone once said, “Age is a question of mind over matter... If you don’t mind, it don’t matter!”

You’ll discover just how powerful your mind really is and how intimately connected your mind and body really are. And you’ll be given specific processes and practices to help you use the power of your mind to create optimal wellness NOW.

But how do you create a stress-free life in this sometimes overwhelming world? Hale Dwoskin, Janet Attwood and Bruce Lipton and the other experts in our “Mind” track will show you how to do just that!

You’ll discover just how powerful your mind really is and how intimately connected your mind and body really are.

You’ll also be given specific processes and practices to help you use the power of your mind to create optimal wellness NOW.


Enter the HEART of Wellness

Some cultures believe that the heart is the key to wellness. And science has shown us that the heart possesses its own intelligence and holds emotions that affect our vitality, productivity and relationships. In fact the heart’s electromagnetic field is 60-times stronger than the brain’s. And it permeates and influences every cell in your body!

There is no question that the state of our heart impacts our overall well-being. Do you remember how your body felt the last time your heart was broken? How about the last time you fell head over heels in love? The heart DEFINITELY has a powerful impact on the way you feel!

When your heart is healthy, strong and open, your body follows. In our “Heart” track you’ll learn proven techniques and technologies (such as HeartMath) that will help you strengthen, open and expand your heart and deepen your relationships.

Marianne Williamson, Harville Hendrix, Alison Armstrong and the other leaders in our Heart track will bring new insights into the interplay between your heart, your relationships and your overall well-being.

Awaken the Power of Your SOUL

No matter how strong your body is, no matter how clear your mind is, no matter how open your heart is, without a deep connection to a higher power you cannot experience true wellness. Mystics have long recognized the health benefits of having a strong spiritual practice. And science is now confirming that knowledge.

Joan BorysenkoEric PearlGrandmother Flordemayo and the other experts in our Soul track will lead you through the doorway to your Soul and teach you powerful, practical tools and techniques for awakening the wisdom of your soul and your connection to a higher power.


An Entire Season Dedicated to Wellness, Plus Two Bonus Events On the Power of Your Breath and Conscious Eating

In addition to a complete season of daily wellness programs, you’re also invited to join us for two wellness intensive summits led by top experts in breathwork and food & nutrition.

The Breathwork Summit will feature world renowned experts in many different breathwork modalities including Gay Hendricks, Stanislav Grof, Jack Kornfield and Sondra Ray. You’ll discover the capacity of your breath to help you create optimum wellness, and you’ll learn many simple techniques for using your breath to enhance your state of well-being and experience greater joy, pleasure and even ecstasy!

Then, in February, you’re invited to join us for the Conscious Foods Banquet, two days of 8-course meals where you’ll learn about healthy foods, intuitive eating, alternative diets - that actually work - and much more.


It’s All FREE - Our Gift to You

The best part is that the Winter of Wellness is entirely free. You can listen to all of the live calls and the streaming replays and pay nothing at all.

Ring in the New Year with Optimum Health

The number #1 New Year’s resolution is for better health. So what better way to make that intention a reality than to spend time each day with our holistic wellness experts?

When you commit to joining us for the Winter of Wellness you are sending a strong message to your subconscious mind that you are serious about creating optimum wellness.

Sign up here now and watch your Body, Mind, Heart and Soul expand in joy, love and wellness!

We respect your privacy. Your information will never be sold nor shared without your permission.
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