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Mitochondria: The Achilles Heel of Cancer Cells

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
  Cancer cell mitochondria are the powerhouse and Achilles heel of tumor growth and metastasis. Cancer cells consume more than 5 times the energy than normal cells. This is contradictory to Otto Warberg's Nobel Prize winning thesis that cancer cells produced only limited amounts of ATP by burning glucose (glycolysis). Apparently, Warberg was measuring...

More Diabetes Drugs Found to Cause Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
  The Journal of the National Cancer Institute in August published an article showing that both Avandia and Actos increase bladder cancer by more than 400% compared to baseline incidence in diabetics. These drugs account for more than 20% of all drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes. Actos ranks 9th in the sales of all pharmaceutical drugs. This is remarkable...

Mothball Chemical Causes Chromosomal Damage in Kids

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
A study published in Cancer, Research, Biomarkers & Prevention showed that children exposed to high levels of a chemical called napthalene that is found it mothballs causes chromosomal damage and puts them at an increased risk for cancer. It is also found in car exhaust, tobacco smoke, paints, and cooking, especially barbequing.  This study looked...

Movement for Self-Healing

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Movement for Self-Healing champions those people willing to move beyond "the incurable." You will learn about the tools you need to recover from pain and disability by working with your inner healer. Movement, relaxation, breathwork, visualization are all tools that unleash the body from many restrictions.        

Music Benefits Surgical Patients

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
  A study out of the University of Kentucky published in November of 2012 in the Southern Medical Journal showed that music therapy can benefit patients pre-operatively, intra-operatively, and post-operatively. They found that patients needed less sedative medication, recovered more quickly, had shorter ICU stays, felt better, and had lower hospital...

Music Heals

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  People facing terminal illness can get great enjoyment from heals. Studies on Australian pediatric wards showed that music therapy helped with pain relief, overall comfort, relaxation, elevated mood, and general well-being. Languages that connect us with spirit include imagery, sound/spoken words/music, movement/rhythm, art, ritual, and...

Music, Crystal, and Energy Healing with Bradford Tilden

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Music is potent healing modality that can be blended with other modalities. It stimulates the imagination, deepens the moment, and draws out aliveness. Brad is a pioneering conductor of sound, esoteric healing, and bodywork. He shares his grand vision of helping people discover their intended purpose. He supports transforming unhealthy thoughts to positive behavior.            

Neurobehavioral Pain Management with John Leonard, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
The effect of the mind on pain is profound. Neurobehavioral pain management is related to working with the neural links between nerve cells that operate unconsciously. A feedback system allows the body to reflexively become the basis for pain relief. It is possible to witness your pain and have it turn off by itself.            

Never Be Fat Again with Raymond Francis

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
There is a pandemic of obesity and diets will not solve the problem because they are not scientifically sound. Our cells know what they need in our diet and if they don't get it they send messages to our appetite center saying eat. However, what we eat is not what we need; it is fast food that is relatively devoid of the nutrients we need. Environmental toxins...

New Breakthroughs in Energy Medicine

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Infrared light therapy increases circulation, speeds up healing by 50% according to NASA studies, increases lymphatic drainage, adds energy to the mitochondria, and calms down pain fibers. Treatment can be monitored in real time as it is delivered by the use of an infrared scanner, which is recommended. Many conditions are treatable with infrared light therapy.        

New Breakthroughs in Pain Management with Richard Gracer, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
The first step in considering treatment is to make an accurate diagnosis. The body heals itself and we need to support it to promote healing by looking at a wide range of therapies that range from nutrition to surgery. Lifestyle medicine is the first place to start. Having flexibility in choosing a treatment is key to finding the best treatment.  New...

New Drugs: Their Dangers

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
New drugs are problematic because they are not fully tested. Post marketing studies should be required. It is wiser to use old time-tested drugs because they've been around for decades and we know their complications. Vioxx is an interesting example. Cox 1 and Cox 2 inhibitors are explained.

New Guidelines for Treatment of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

submitted by: admin on 05/05/2015
The American Academy of Neurology has issued new guidelines for effective treatment of painful diabetic neuropathy. It involves the use of multiple drugs that include anti-seizure medications, antidepressants, and narcotics. While it is sometimes necessary to use this toxic polypharmaceutical approach, there are newer highly effective, safe, and affordable options...

NSAIDs Double Risk of Miscarriage

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
It is amazing that NSAIDs would be used by anyone who is pregnant. We know that many drugs have serious effects on the developing fetus. Because we know that NSAIDs cause at least 30,000 deaths every year in the US and 300,000 hospitalizations, who in their right mind would suggest that a pregnant women, especially in the first trimester use an NSAID? There...

NSAIDs: The Myriad of Side Effects

submitted by: admin on 05/31/2014
The effectiveness of NSAIDS for longterm pain is questionable according to new research. Chronic use of these drugs shows their effectiveness is close to that of a placebo. There are many alternatives to drugs for pain management that are more effective and far safer. More than 30,000 people die annually in the US from this class of drugs, which include Advil,...

Obesity and Cognitive Function in Teens

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  A study by NYU Med School researchers and published in the August 2012 issue of Pediatrics showed that the metabolic syndrome in adolescents is associated with cognitive and brain impairments. These students had lower scores in math, reading, spelling, attention span, and mental flexibility. The impairments were generally more severe than in adults...

Oblivion Agenda Part 1: Earth is being prepared for a POST-HUMAN era

submitted by: admin on 06/17/2020

Occupy Wall Street Requires Both Revolution and Evolution

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
Occupy Wall Street is growing and global. The poor and middle classes are beyond outrage and are creating a revolution. The major issues are how do we take back democracy and how do we share the wealth of the land. The 1% is not happy with what they have and it is not enough that we no longer have a voice, that unemployment is devastatingly serious, that we have...

Office Videos: Gabriele Eichner

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
This is a short introductory video of our office manager, Gabriele Eichner, LVN.

Over-treatment in the ICU is Common

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  A JAMA survey of almost 2000 doctors and nurses in the ICU in January of 2012 revealed that they believed there is often too much care adminstered to patients. Only occasionally was there insufficient care. Advance directives need to be honored and treatment decisions often require input from multiple sources that include the family, physician, spiritual...
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