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Role of the Brain in Sugar Metabolism

submitted by: admin on 11/26/2013
According to an article published in the November 2013 issue of the medical journal, Nature, glucose regulation is only 50% related to the action of insulin. The other 50% is regulated through a mechanism called "glucose effectiveness" that originates in the hypothalamus of the brain. Glucose effectiveness is an unrelated separate mechanism from...

Role of Ultrasound in Breast Cancer Evaluations

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  Mammograms have severe limitations in finding cancers in premenopausal women, especially with dense breast tissue. Ultrasound helps differentiate solid cancerous tissue from commonly found fibrocystic changes.            

Safe Household Products

submitted by: admin on 08/04/2014
There are about 17,000 chemicals in common household products and few are tested for safety or tested before they are put on the store shelves. The terms on the labels (organic, natural) are unregulated.   Commercial cleaners are polluting our homes and contributing to the rise in chronic diseases including asthma and allergies because they weaken our...

Safety of Tylenol

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Tylenol is the most commonly used analgesic, but it has important safety concerns. It is a powerful liver toxicant that can lead to death or transplants. It can also cause GI bleeding and other problems that are reviewed.

Sex in Our Later Years

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Many people maintain an active and fulfilling sex life well into their 80's according to recent research. Clearly the importance of sex in our life changes as we age but 2-3 times a month is average across all age groups.

Sitting is a Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
The risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and death is doubled if you sit more than half of the time according to a meta-analysis of nearly 800,000 people, that is published in the October 2012 issue of the journal, Diabetologia. This link is over and above other lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise. While the cause for this was not discussed,...

Sleep Gets Better with Age

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
According to a 150,000 person study the March issue of the journal, Sleep, aging does not seem to be related to poor sleep. Actually, sleep seemed to improve as people aged and people in their 80s had the fewest complaints! Health issues and depression were common problems in people with insomnia. Sleeping patterns are helpful in determining the cause for...

Sleeping Together: The Challenges

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
The dynamic of sharing sleeping space is very interesting. Len and Vicki share interesting stories related to sleeping habits; snoring, white noise, colds, blanket sharing, restless legs, and much more are discussed.

Sound Sanctuaries: How to use Music to Achieve Resonance

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
The last in the week long series with Gary Malkin.  Gary is the co-author of a book and cd set called Graceful Passages, A Companion for Living and Dying.          

SSRI Antidepressants are Risky in Pregnancy

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  The October 31, 2012 issue of Human Reproduction published an article from Harvard and Tufts Medical Centers stating that SSRI antidepressants should not be used in pregnancy because they lead to worsened pregnancy outcomes, have not been shown to be of benefit, and are massively overused in clinical practice. This family of drugs is associated with...

Stage 4 Chemotherapy Benefits Over-estimated by Patients and Doctors

submitted by: admin on 06/25/2016
  Patients with advanced cancer have the mistaken belief that chemotherapy can cure their illness according to a New England Journal of Medicine article published in October of 2012. This Dana-Farber  Cancer Institute study showe that 69% of advanced lung cancer and 81% of advanced colorectal cancer did not understand that chemotherapy was not at...

Starting an Exercise Program

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Use it or lose it. Our bodies adapt to the stresses of exercise and increase our health reserves. There are many powerful benefits in a wide range of diseases.        

Statins: Who Should Use Them?

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Statin usage is way overused in medical practice. These drugs have significant side effects that can severely compromise our health. Lifestyle is a superior way to manage arteriosclerosis.        

Stereo Mammograms

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Taking a double set of mammograms allows radiologists to see the breast in 3D. However, there is twice the radiation and no clear evidence that they do better than digital mammograms. The pros and cons are discussed.            

Stress Management and its Effect on Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
  Does stress management help people with cancer? It is clear that stress management helps everyone. Whether or not we can prove a beneficial effect on cancer depends on how a study is done. Hope, placebo, and positive attitude are a good things whether or not it helps the cancer itself.          

Stroke Recovery and Acupuncture

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Acupuncture has been touted to help stroke victims, but a study was done showing that it doesn't work. The study suffered from selection bias. Placebo effect is discussed. Getting better should be the bottom line, not whether or not the beneficial effect is placebo.

Success in Preventing and Curing Type 2 Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
                                  "A Return to Healing" Blog:  Tue, 02/09/2010 - 16:21 — BBelitsos America’s epidemic of Type 2 diabetes has become a national emergency. In fact, we are currently fighting a losing war against this disease, which now affects...

Suddenly Sick Syndrome

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Big pharma redefines the criteria for disease to make more people "sick" and sell more drugs for these conditions. Pre-hypertension, pre-osteoporosis (osteopenia), and pre-obesity are examples. How this happens is described. This creates the "worried well!"          

Super Natural Home with Beth Greer

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
We often take good health for granted until things go wrong. We need to be proactive about our lifestyle and be sure we eat food that is toxin free and be certain we are not exposed to toxic skin care products and household cleaners. Regulation of these products is inadequate. Food is also a concern and issues such as GMO, microwaved food, pesticides, and additives...

Supplementing for Low Vitamin D Reverses Heart Disease

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
  Supplementing with vitamin D in people with low levels lowers the risk of dying from any cause by 60% according to an article in the November 7, 2011 issue of the American Journal of Cardiology looking at 10,000 people. This is a landmark study documenting that elevating low levels of vitamin D makes a profound difference in mortality. Low levels...

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