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Appearance is More Important than Health in Young Adults

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
For young adults in college, appearance matters more than their health according to research out of the University of Missouri. Researchers created a play about women's body images that divulged their insecurities about their own bodies and about the importance of nutrition. At the end of the performance the actors remained in character and anwsered questions...

Fitness vs Fatness, Which is Most Important?

submitted by: admin on 01/22/2025
Is it more important to be fit or normal weight. We present an argument that while both are important, being fit is the most important. Interval training is the best way to become fit.

Getting Sleep in the Hospital

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
Hospitals are a very difficult place to sleep. Patient comfort is not a high priority in the hospital; treatments are. Generally, sleeping pills are used instead of music, massage, or relaxation. Rest is critical when we are sick!        

Importance of Sleep

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Lack of sleep leads to chronic inflammation that puts us at risk for many chronic diseases that are discussed. It also has profound effects on our stress hormones as well as insulin and leptin. We need 7-8 hours of sleep.          

Methylation with Dick Kunin, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
Why methyl groups are important in health and disease. Methyl groups direct the production of energy. Several B vitamins direct where methyl groups go and determine our state of health.            

Mindbody Medicine

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
What we think profoundly affects our biochemistry and physiology. Managing our thoughts can have amazing benefits on our health. We can do this through a wide range of therapies that are presented.          

Overview on the Importance of Exercise

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  Lifestyle is our most potent medicine and exercise is especially important for quality of life and longevity. There is no more powerful anti-aging medicine on the planet! The amount and intensity are important and the value of interval training is discussed. There are a myriad of benefits of exercise that include raising HDL cholesterol, lowering blood...

Sex in Our Later Years

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Many people maintain an active and fulfilling sex life well into their 80's according to recent research. Clearly the importance of sex in our life changes as we age but 2-3 times a month is average across all age groups.

The Importance of Dads

submitted by: admin on 12/16/2013
Scientists from the Research Institute of McGill University Health Center published an article in the journal, Cerebral Cortex, in December of 2013 showing that the absence of the father during critical growth periods leads to impaired social and behavioral defects in mice. Surprisingly, mice are ideal for a study like this because they are raised by...

The Importance of Sleep (video)

submitted by: admin on 02/13/2014
This is a video that is an extensive overview on the importance of sleep. Sleep is critical for quality and length of sleep. Most Americans are sleep deprived because we're living in the "fast track." There are profound effects on osteoporosis, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and accidents. Sleep is absolutely essential...

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