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Tylenol Over Use Can Be Fatal

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Repeated doses of slightly too much Tylenol can be fatal. These patients had a higher fatality rate than single doses taken as a suicidal attempt. It take about 15 grams of a single dose to lead to liver failure and the possible need for a liver transplant. Taking just 3 times the recommended dosage can lead to liver failure and death in some people....

Vicki's personal story on how to treat an injury

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
  Vicki shares her fall and how she treated it naturally with positive results.  Vicki avoids the use of the usual antibacterial soaps or Neosporin ointment or pain pills with injury.  She also air dried her wounds after they stopped bleeding. Vicki talks about what she recommends to include in a first aid kit. Her first aid kit contains...

Vinegar Lowers Blood Sugar

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Apple cider vinegar has been purported to increase weight loss and aid in arthritis, asthma, colitis, and even diabetes by lowering blood sugar. Scientific research has been scant. However, recent studies presented in Medscape show that the acetic acid in vinegar really does lower blood sugar by about 7% when used for 12 weeks. It is interesting that eating a...

Vitamin D Inhibits Inflammation

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  A study published in March of 2011 showed that low levels of vitamin D failed to inhibit the inflammatory cascade and that normal levels did. Levels of inflmamatory cytokines, interlukin 6 and TNF-alpha, correlated with low levels of vitamin D. The vitamin D receptor binds to DNA directly and activates a gene, MKP-1, which quiets the inflammatory response. It...

What Common Foods are Linked to Getting Lower Grades

submitted by: admin on 01/06/2015
A study out of Ohio State University that was published in the December 2014 issue of Clinical Pediatrics showed that students eating the most fast food compared to those not consuming it much had 20% lower test scores by the eighth grade. This was a study of about 12,000 kids starting from the 5th grade and rechecking their growth in reading, math, and...

What You Can Do to Allow Your Doctor to Treat Cancer Integratively

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  It is a felony in the State of California for an MD to treat cancer with anything except surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Yet, legislation was passed in 2004 making it legal for MDs to use any complementary and alternative therapy (CAM) so long as they do not try to dissuade patients from mainstream therapies and they do no harm. We need...

When is a High Protein Diet a Good Thing?

submitted by: admin on 06/16/2014
According to a study from USC School of Gerontology published in the March 2014 issue of Cell Metabolism, a moderately high protein diet in people over 65 is good for you, but in middle age leads to a two fold increase in oveall mortality and a four fold increase in getting cancer. Protein intake controls growth of IGF-1, which has been linked to developing...

Why Milk Can Cause Ulcerative Colitis

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Milk fats can initiate immune dysfunction that can lead to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Concentrated milk fat caused mice to develop IBD at three times the rate (60%) that mice fed a low fat diet or a diet with polyunsaturated fats. IBD correlated with the emergence of a bacteria called Bilophila wadsworthia from nearly undetectable levels to about 6% of...

You Have Cancer with Burton Goldberg

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
There are amazing CAM therapies that are unknown in the US. Chemo works if it is used correctly. An example is a test in Germany that identifies the chemo that works for the primary tumor and also for its metastases. Insulin potentiated therapy and hyperthermia are also discussed. Cancer is on the rise and we know why but do nothing about it.          

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