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Trans Fats: What do they do?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Trans fats are dangerous. They increase inflammation in healthy people. Markers for inflammation such as TNF-alpha, interluken 10 and 1 beta all go up with consumption of trans fats. There is legislation is pending that will decrease their availability

Treating Cancer Holistically

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  While it is illegal to treat cancer in California using CAM approaches, it is possible to support wellness, especially of the immune system. There are often many genetic defects that lead to cancer growth. If you target just one of them, adaptation is possible. However, by using low dose therapies in combination might do much to target many of them....

Treating Depression Face-to-Face vs Telephone

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Not everyone can get face-to-face consultations for treatment of depression for a wide range of reasons that include cost, convenience, transportation problems, fear, and access. A study published in JAMA in May of 2012 compared face-to-face visits with telephone consultations and found that more people could participate in telephone consultations, but that over...

Trees and Human Health Go Together

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  A US Forrest Service published an article in the January issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, that correlated massive loss of trees with cardiovascular and pulmonary deaths in an 18 year study across the eastern and midwestern US. The study included 1296 counties and 15 states where there was a loss of 100 million ash trees from theemerald...

Tylenol Kills Emotions as Well as Pain

submitted by: admin on 05/28/2015
Sayer Ji from GreenMedInfo put together fascinating literature revealing that Tylenol, or acetaminophen, does more than relieve pain; it also dulls emotions! This drug has been on the market since 1953 and we're still learning more about its effects. Is this some kind of clue that the drugs we use in clinical practice are for the most part studied for their...

Tylenol Now Linked to ADHD

submitted by: admin on 03/05/2014
More than half of pregnant women take Tylenol (acetamenophen) and according to an article published in the JAMA journal, Pediatrics, the risk of their child developing ADHD rose substantially. This was a study of 64,322 children and mothers in the Danish National Birth Cohort between 1996 and 2002.  The risk of developing a severe form of ADHD...

Tylenol Over Use Can Be Fatal

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Repeated doses of slightly too much Tylenol can be fatal. These patients had a higher fatality rate than single doses taken as a suicidal attempt. It take about 15 grams of a single dose to lead to liver failure and the possible need for a liver transplant. Taking just 3 times the recommended dosage can lead to liver failure and death in some people....

Tylenol Safty Issues

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Tylenol is the most commonly used analgesic, but it has important safety concerns. It is a powerful liver toxicant that can lead to death or transplants. It can also cause GI bleeding and other problems that are reviewed. Overdosing is easy because many products have acetamophen added and it is easy to miss.      

Type 2 Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Type 2 diabetes is nearly always a preventable disease and is usually reversible using lifestyle strategies by themselves. There are dozens of medications available to treat elevated blood sugar levels, but nearly all of them have common potentially serious "side effects." There are also a wide range of nutritional supplements that are equally effective...

Type 2 Diabetes, Understanding its Complications

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  The mechanisms of and possible complications of diabetes are reviewed. When blood sugar levels rise sufficiently they damage vital proteins and lead to heart attacks, strokes, peripheral vascular disease, retinopathy, kidney disease, and neuropathy. Lifestyle is the most important treatment to prevent these complications. Certain supplements that can...

Uncertainty Causes Anxiety

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  When you don't know the outcome of a medical test, the uncertainty of not knowing can be more stressful and anxiety provoking than the worst possible outcome. Our minds tend to worry and we need to learn to "worry well." Chronic stress suppresses immunity and sets the stage for further inflammation and progression of whatever disease...

Understanding and Managing Back Pain

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Disc problems can cause pain in any area of the back, although the cervical and lumbar spine misalignment is most commonly involved. Trauma caused by accidents or even emotional stress can cause this. Treatments are reviewed, both conventional and CAM.        

Understanding Hypothyroidism

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki review what hypothyroidism is and how it is diagnosed. The physiology of thyroid function is reviewed. It is possible to have hypothyroidism and normal thyroid blood tests. The BioEnergy Test is reviewed.          

US Health Care is Seriously Lacking

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  US health care performance is much worse than most countries; we're ranked by the WHO number 37 in the world in overall quality of health care. We spend nearly twice of any other country and yet our effectiveness is a disaster. When business trumps service, this is what happens. Universal health care is good for health care but not good for business...

Use Calcium and Vitamin D Before Drugs for Osteoporosis

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
Prescription bone-building drugs such as the bisphosphonates should be a last resort according to new research from the University of Illinois in 2011. Even though these drugs have been proven to reduce osteoporotic fractures, they have very significant side effects that include GI bleeding, atrial fibrillation, muscle and joint pain, and osteonecrosis of the...

Using Energy Medicine with Debra Greene

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The internal enegy of the body can be used to manage our psysical dysfunction. The language of energy medicine is essential to understand what energy is and how we use it. It is possible to take control of what's happening in us; it is what healing is about. Mainstream medicine looks to solve problems by altering the dense physical body. From the energy perspective,...

Using Your Mind to Control Your Life with Erik Peper, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
We can use our minds to restore physical abnormalities. Biofeedback is a tool that morrors what happens inside our body. We can modify our physiology with our thoughts. It can be used for many many symptoms and illnesses. Menopause is a healthy natural process but hot flashes are not. The physiology of the sympathetic nervous system explains some of this.            

Vicki's Story with Russ Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Vicki was dying from a serious allergic condition called primary anaphylaxis. Mainstream medical treatment was complicated and had many side effects. She eventually took a test called the ELISA/ACT Test that identified 41 allergies and made it possible to avoid them and eventually fully recover. Many of her allergies were to healthy foods, but the bulk of them...

Vitamin B3 Fights Superbugs

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  A study in the August edition of the Journal of Clinical Investigation suggests that a form of vitamin B3, niacinamide, increased by 1000 times the ability of immune cells to kill MRSA. Niacin, or nicotinic acid, does not have this effect. Niacinamide in doses greater than 3 grams per day has the potential for serious liver disease, but does not have...

Vitamin C for Cancer Treatment

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Intravenous vitamin C for treatment of cancer was pioneered by Linus Pauling in the early 1970s and now, finally, there is mainstream literature having a second look at IV vitamin C in people with lymphomas. IV vitamin C is converted in to hydrogen peroxide by cancer cells and it kills them.              

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