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Vitamin C Preserves Fetal Lungs in Pregnant Mothers Who Smoke

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  According to research at UCSF in May of 2012, smoking during pregnancy adversely affects fetal lung development, but it can be prevented by vitamin C during the last trimester. A study on 159 smoking pregnant women revealed that just 500 mg/d of vitamin C before 22 weeks of gestation would raise their low vitamin C levels to normal and also improve...

Vitamin C Prevents Kidney Stones

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  With all the good research done on whether or not vitamin C causes kidney stones, it is a bit surprising that the March 2013 issue of the journal Internal Medicine published a very low quality epidemiological study doing a hatchet job on vitamin C as a cause for kidney stones. The premise is that one of the five metabolites of vitamin C is oxalate,...

Vitamin D Inhibits Inflammation

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  A study published in March of 2011 showed that low levels of vitamin D failed to inhibit the inflammatory cascade and that normal levels did. Levels of inflmamatory cytokines, interlukin 6 and TNF-alpha, correlated with low levels of vitamin D. The vitamin D receptor binds to DNA directly and activates a gene, MKP-1, which quiets the inflammatory response. It...

Vitamin D3 Helps Clear Amyloid in Alzheimer's Disease

submitted by: admin on 05/24/2016
  Vitamin D3 and curcumin stimulate macrophages to clear the beta amyloid from the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease according to an article published in the March issue of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. Low levels of vitamin D3 are associated with Alzheimer's disease. Researchers studied macrophages isolated from patients...

Water Disinfectant By Products are Dangerous

submitted by: admin on 08/04/2014
  Clearly, we need disinfected water so we aren't at risk for many diseases such as cholera and hepatitis. However there are more than 600 water disinfectant byproducts have been discovered and many are toxic. The EPA regulates only 11 of these products. Haloacetic acid (HAAs), triclosan, dioxins, chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceutical drugs, and many...

Weight Management Overview

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
HOW TO DEAL WITH WEIGHT ISSUES SUCCESSFULLY Weight loss programs don't work! Today's weight management programs don't work over the long haul! Yet there is a $52 billion market that continues to convince overweight people that there is hope if they use the program or product offered by a particular company. This results in yo yo weight changes...

What Can be Done for Ringing in Your Ears?

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Tinnitus affects 50 million Americans and treatment in mainstream medicine has been very limited. Perhaps the best treatment widely available in clinical practice comes from chiropractic manipulation of the cervical spine and the TMJ joint. New research suggests that transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be helpful. It is now being recommended...

What Do Patients Want From Their Primary Care Physician?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
needs text and keyword

What Does it Really Mean to Stand Up to Cancer

submitted by: admin on 09/10/2014
The widely viewed national television show, Stand Up to Cancer, that aired on September 5, 2014 featured dozens of movie stars and comedians, and was hosted by Katie Couric. It was entertaining and fun for sure. However, it was sponsored by many pharmaceutical companies...can you imagine why? Hmmm, let me was one giant ad for treating cancer with chemotherapy,...

What Does Your Doctor Worry About?

submitted by: admin on 01/20/2015
An article published in WebMd in December of 2014 interviewed 21,000 MDs to see what they worried about in making decisions about patient care. Issues included assisted suicide, abortion, patient confidentiality, medical mistakes, financial matters, sexual relationships, reporting incompetent doctors, and using placebos.  Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki discuss...

What is an orgonomic physician with Richard Blasband, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2024
The orgone box consists of alternating layers of metal and non-metal. If you sit in this box you'll have a feelling of well-being that persists. There has not been much systematic research except for the treatment of cancer in mice, where the tumor is diminished but the mice die of tumor necrosis. We need much more research. Orgone energy exists everywhere;...

What is Bankrupting US Healthcare?

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  According to an article in Life Extension published in April of 2012, there are three factors responsible for the fiscal insolvency of the US healthcare system; skyrocketing drug prices, reactive medicine, and FDA corruption. Big Pharma protects its expiring patents by filing frivolous law suits against companies making generic drugs. These costs are...

What Is Health Medicine with Dr. Richard Kunin

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
This is a great audio for those who want a better understanding about what Health Medicine is and how it differs from conventional medicine. Dr. Kunin takes the practice of medicine to a whole new level where he looks at the understanding of the physiology and biochemistry of an illness rather than just trying to suppress symptoms.  Dr. Len and Dr. Kunin...

What is Health Medicine?

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
This is a great video for those who want a better understanding about what Health Medicine is and how it differs from conventional medicine. Dr. Kunin takes the practice of medicine to a whole new level where he looks at the understanding of the physiology and biochemistry of an illness rather than just trying to suppress symptoms.  Dr. Len and Dr. Kunin...

What is Native American Medicine About with Phillip Scott

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Dr. Len and Phillip Scott (Chief Blackhorse) discuss Native American Medicine.            

What is the Clinical Importance of Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure

submitted by: admin on 07/11/2014
A review of 1.25 million medical records of 30 year olds and older from a primary care practice for 5 years in England and looked at the different effects of systolic and diastolic blood pressure when it came to intracerebral bleeds, angina, abdominal aortic aneurysm, and renal disease. They published their results in the May issue of the journal The Lancet.  It...

What is the Difference Between Brown and White Fat?

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  There are many different ways to classify fat: saturated, trans, unsaturated, brown, white, and essential fatty acids. Some are essential for life and some are lethal. Where fat accumulates is also important. If white fat accumulates inside the abdominal cavity it predisposes to the metabolic syndrome and type two diabetes with all of its complications....

What is Well-Being with Jimmy Parker

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Well being includes physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual perspectives. The example of how a tennis player addresses a tennis match is discussed in this regard. What we think can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What we Believe Influences our Health

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  We know that what we think has a powerful effect on our biochemistry and physiology, but just how powerful is this effect? Examples such as placebo, nocebo, voodoo, intention, being in the zone, are explored. The ticklish questions that arise include how far should a health care practitioner go to use these tools and how much must a patient know about...

What You Need to Know About Bisphenol A

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Bisphenol A is found in plastic bottles and is carcinogenic. It is now ubiquitous. One of the problems in assessing the safety of chemicals is that we don't look at the cumulative effect of thousands of environmental toxins. It is a hormone disruptor.

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