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The Power of Consciousness with John Renesch

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
Consciousness is the generating force that starts change, creativity, process, content, etc. It can be both positive and negative. Much of today’s mode of action is immersed in a negative fatal fundamentalism and dogma.

The Purpose of Purpose with Dixon de Lena

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The search for purpose varies with what we're involved with. America has lost its focus and has become an economy. Is your purpose worthy of the spirit? We need to integrate business with society for healthful sustainability. What defines success for cultural creatives?        

The Role of Exercise in Cancer

submitted by: admin on 04/06/2014
According to a study from Loyola University School of Medicine published in the Journal of Physical Activity & Health in January of 2014, physical activity extends the life of men with cancer by as much as 38% as well as reducing mortality from cardiovascular disease by 49%.  These researchers found that in 1000 men with cancer that burning...

The Voice of Reason May 11-15

submitted by: admin on 06/16/2020
  Cutting through the confusion generated by fake news and itsbrainwashing hyperbole has left us all wondering what to believe about Covid 19. The Voice of Reason podcasts are intended to provide a commonsense commentary from authors and wellness advocates renown physician Len Saputo, MD and international Qigong Teacher Francesco Garripoli....

Use Calcium and Vitamin D Before Drugs for Osteoporosis

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
Prescription bone-building drugs such as the bisphosphonates should be a last resort according to new research from the University of Illinois in 2011. Even though these drugs have been proven to reduce osteoporotic fractures, they have very significant side effects that include GI bleeding, atrial fibrillation, muscle and joint pain, and osteonecrosis of the...

UV Light, Melanoma, and Skin Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
There are three types of UV light, A, B, and C; they are reviewed. DNA damage from UV light is a concern and the dose makes the difference. UVA is the tanning ray and is responsible for tanning the skin; it does not burn. UVB and C penetrate deeper and can be a problem if we burn. We need UVB to make vitamin D. UVC light is filtered by the ozone layer and protects...

Vicki's Story with Russ Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Vicki was dying from a serious allergic condition called primary anaphylaxis. Mainstream medical treatment was complicated and had many side effects. She eventually took a test called the ELISA/ACT Test that identified 41 allergies and made it possible to avoid them and eventually fully recover. Many of her allergies were to healthy foods, but the bulk of them...

Vitamin B12, Cognitive Decline, and Homocysteine

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
People with low B12 levels are at risk for cognitive decline. Measuring B12 levels and markers are the best way to detect deficiencies. Some issues related to homocysteine metabolism are involved.          

Vitamin B3 Fights Superbugs

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  A study in the August edition of the Journal of Clinical Investigation suggests that a form of vitamin B3, niacinamide, increased by 1000 times the ability of immune cells to kill MRSA. Niacin, or nicotinic acid, does not have this effect. Niacinamide in doses greater than 3 grams per day has the potential for serious liver disease, but does not have...

Vitamin C for Cancer Treatment

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Intravenous vitamin C for treatment of cancer was pioneered by Linus Pauling in the early 1970s and now, finally, there is mainstream literature having a second look at IV vitamin C in people with lymphomas. IV vitamin C is converted in to hydrogen peroxide by cancer cells and it kills them.              

Vitamin C Preserves Fetal Lungs in Pregnant Mothers Who Smoke

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  According to research at UCSF in May of 2012, smoking during pregnancy adversely affects fetal lung development, but it can be prevented by vitamin C during the last trimester. A study on 159 smoking pregnant women revealed that just 500 mg/d of vitamin C before 22 weeks of gestation would raise their low vitamin C levels to normal and also improve...

Vitamin C Prevents Kidney Stones

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  With all the good research done on whether or not vitamin C causes kidney stones, it is a bit surprising that the March 2013 issue of the journal Internal Medicine published a very low quality epidemiological study doing a hatchet job on vitamin C as a cause for kidney stones. The premise is that one of the five metabolites of vitamin C is oxalate,...

Vitamin C with Robert Cathcart, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The world's foremost expert in vitamin C shares some of his secrets. The story on dosage and gut tolerance is related to how sick we are. Massive doses reverse most viral diseases, including the flu. Bowel tolerance is described. The dosage used determines the effects on the body. It also decreases the production of antibodies as it increases cellular immunity.          

Vitamin C, Cancer, and More with Richard Kunin, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Linus Pauling found a seven-fold increase in longevity with the use of vitamin C.  Animals have the ability to make their own vitamin C, whereas humans do not have the chemistry necessary perform the chemical reactions.  Some research has shown that Vitamin C administered by IV can kill cancer cells.  Giving IV Vitamin C can be dangerous and so...

Vitamin D

submitted by: admin on 02/16/2015
Over the past decade we've come to understand that vitamin D is vital for normal cell biochemistry. When levels of vitamin D are low we are at high risk for many diseases that include type 2 diabetes, hypertension, heart attacks, strokes, osteoporosis, autoimmune disorders, many cancers, depression, muscle and joint pains, Alzheimer's disease, and many...

Vitamin D and Alzheimer's Disease with Bill Grant

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  The role of vitamin D in preventing and treating Alzheimer's disease is reviewed. Epidemiologic studies on diet showed it had a powerful effect in causing Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Grant's research shows that high energy, high fat diets lead to an acidic balance that has an effect on certain transition metals that leads to the production...

Vitamin D and Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Dr. Grant explains the various forms of UV light and how they relate to cancer risk. UVA light penetrates deeply but most sunscreens don't block it and it is what causes melanoma; this actually increases the risk for melanoma! If you shadow is shorter than you are, UVB is present and will make it possible to make vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is linked...

Vitamin D and Safe Sun Exposure with Lani Simpson, DC

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Sunlight is essential for life. UVB ray is what makes vitamin D. At this latitude we don't get much vitamin D, especially in the winter time. We cannot make vitamin D without cholesterol. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with 27 different cancers including melanoma!          

Vitamin D Deficiency

submitted by: admin on 05/27/2016
There is a pandemic of vitamin D deficiency because we don't get the UVB rays from sunlight that are needed to make it ourselves. This leads to not only an increased risk of osteoporosis but also of type 2 diabetes, hypertension, several cancers, heart attacks, strokes, and seasonal affective disorder. Vitamin D replacement is necessary for most people. The...

Vitamin D Deficiency with Len And Vicki

submitted by: admin on 10/18/2024
Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk for cancer and cancer metastases. Using the right dose of vitamin D replacement is important and is the reason why it is important to measure blood levels. Hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and abnormal blood lipids are all related to low levels of vitamin D.

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