i recently saw your video at Youtube. Can you indicate me the doses of iron in combination with artemisinin you consider adequate for lung cáncer?
Thanks a lot for your response
System Administrator May 10, 2014
Very good question as iron is required for artemisinin to work to destroy cancer cells and cancer cells sequester iron far more than normal cells. However, each person is different and the amount of iron needed varies from person to person. What I do is measure the amount of iron in the body and then determine how much is needed, if any, based on that information. This is one of the reasons why it is important to work with a physician who understands how artemisinin works and can evaluate the whole person...there is no one size fits all when it comes to using artemisinin and iron. Actually, most people don't need to take iron because we tend to be iron overloaded than iron deficient.
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May 10, 2014