Metastatic renal cell carcinoma to my lungs

Ask Dr. Saputo Blog
I have metastatic renal cell carcinoma to both of my lungs and am currently taking votrient for treatment. I thankfully am not experiencing any shortness of breath or pain. My biggest problems has been GI upset, (diarrhea and occasional N/V), weight loss and decrease in my energy. Aside from the medication I am having acupuncture which has increased my energy allowing me to be more active and go to the gym. My labs have been mostly normal with the exception of my platelets which the last value was 104. I am also on levothyroxine due to my medication. My tumors initially showed a decrease in size on my first CT scan after starting my medication and has shown to be stable in all follow up scans. I attempt to eat a healthy diet including fruits and vegetables at the same time trying to get a 2600 calorie diet to maintain my weight of 130 #. I am currently on disability and try to maintain an active normal life including mental, physical and spiritual activity. Is there concern of drug interaction with adding artemisinin to my Plan of care? How would we monitor for efficacy? Additional testing recommended? Thank you for taking the time and sharing any thoughts.


System Administrator
April 12, 2015
If you will email me at I'll forward information that will help you.

Dr. Len
June 06, 2017
I have promised myself that I'm going to work hard to raise awareness in young men and women about herbal cure to Renal Cell Carcinoma. I have had Renal Cell Carcinoma for good 10 years, with 3 active episodes. Firstly, I had surgery to remove left kidney, with no further follow up action. Secondly, I had another surgery to remove a mass where the kidney had previously been, followed by radiation therapy but none seem to worked. The tumors began to spread to my lungs. Even tried traditional chemo treatment,and used new oral chemo drugs, holistic healing, Other prescription medication but all failed. There are other trials which were in early stages of development but with no proven track record. It is very hard for anyone to truly know what it is like to have cancer, unless you've been there yourself. I once had a person tell me that they thought they were completely empathetic and thought they could imagine how hard it must be for a cancer victim. After so many trials with little or no improvement, herbal treatment worked the wonders though staying active with work and family contributed to my survival. Don't take NO for an answer when it relates to treatment. Just be positive, be proactive, Get a second opinion. Get a third opinion or as many as it takes. For more information, contact Dr. Allen ( for advice and possible solution. Life is to be savored, no matter how long or short it is. Take advantage of all the joyous things in life and know that the harsh things will pass. I feel great
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