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Are Preventive Drugs Cost Effective?

submitted by: admin on 05/19/2015
Experts published in the British Medical Journal that there's serious doubt that the use of drugs to prevent diseases such as high cholesterol, osteoporosis and osteopenia, and hypertension are cost effective. In the case of Lipitor, it costs approximately $600,000 to prevent a single heart attack and still not save a single life when used for primary prevention....

Bisphosphonates Linked to Esophageal Cancer

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Drugs such as Fosamax and Boniva have now been linked to esophageal cancer. This superimposed on esophageal ulcers, Barrett's esophagus, osteonecrosis of the jaw, atrial fibrillation, and many other "side effects" are reviewed.      

Is Strontium Safe Treatment for Osteoporosis?

submitted by: admin on 07/29/2019
Strontium renalate is a potent stimulator of new bone growth that helps increase bone density in people with osteoporosis. However, a study by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in January of 2014 shows that there is an increase in serious heart problems including heart attacks as well as more blood clots in veins. The EMA will likely lead to taking two drugs,...

Measure Vitamin D Before Using Drugs for Osteopenia

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
Bisphosphonates are overprescribed. Low levels of vitamin D are epidemic and cause much of the osteoporosis we see. Bone metabolism, vitamin D, calcium, sunlight, and parathyroid hormone are discussed. Measuring vitamin D should be routine now.

Nitrates for Osteoporosis

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
Lately there have been reports about the bisphosphonates used to treat osteoporosis, are causing fractures of the femur and other bones in the body.  The drugs most commonly prescribed are Actonel, Fosamax, Reclast, and Boniva to name a few.  These drugs are powerful and cause dramatic changes in bone physiology.  It may be true that these drugs...

Osteoporosis Overview

submitted by: admin on 05/17/2015
  The definition, risk factors, causes, and treatment of osteoporosis and osteopenia are reviewed. The problems with bisphosphonates are reviewed and natural strategies for prevention and treatment discussed.          

Preventing Bone Fractures with Leafy Greens

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  The little understood protein, osteocalcin, plays a significant role in the strength of our bones. It is made by osteoblasts, the cells that lay down new bone. Osteocalcin cannot be absorbed into bone in the absence of adequate vitamin K, which comes from eating green leafy vegetables. This is a particular problem in people taking Coumadin for protection...

Preview, Osteoporosis Overview

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
The definition, risk factors, causes, and treatment of osteoporosis and osteopenia are reviewed. The problems with bisphosphonates are reviewed and natural strategies for prevention and treatment discussed.

Use Calcium and Vitamin D Before Drugs for Osteoporosis

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
Prescription bone-building drugs such as the bisphosphonates should be a last resort according to new research from the University of Illinois in 2011. Even though these drugs have been proven to reduce osteoporotic fractures, they have very significant side effects that include GI bleeding, atrial fibrillation, muscle and joint pain, and osteonecrosis of the...

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