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Doug Boyd

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Being in the Precious Present with Doug Boyd

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
The key to effective visualization is to start with where you are and move with it. Denial is not the way to go; you have to begin with the truth. Use the present progressive tense to create change. Following the breath is what is real and happening in the moment.

Components of Care with Doug Boyd

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
Caring for someone can be active, supporting, being present. It is hard to give what you don’t have. Compassion, attentiveness, respect and empathy are an acronym: CARE. True care is like the sun, it radiates unconditionally.

Forgiveness and Healing with Doug Boyd

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Forgiveness is central for self healing. This is something one does for one's self. Punishment consciousness is a cultural trait that doesn't provide closure. Letting go by not connecting with the negative thought is healing. We victimize ourselves when we hold onto punishment. Punishment will take care of itself.          

Intercultural Communication with Doug Boyd

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Cross cultural communication offers the possibility for extending social boundaries. Understanding people from their point of view offers new possibilities. Doug shares interesting stories about Rolling Thunder and other luminaries.        

The Components of C.A.R.E. with Doug Boyd

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
"C.A.R.E." is an acronym for providing optimal health care to make patients more empowered and less victimized that stands for: compassion, attentiveness, respect, and empathy. Doug describes what this means with wonderful examples.

The Meaning and Application of Ritual with Doug Boyd

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
Ritual can be a common denominator of cross cultural communication. Any idea of sufficient strength will inevitably manifest in dense physical matter. Ritual is a preconceived scenario played out for the purpose of strengthening an idea. Doug explains how this works. A ritual is an igniter of change. Thoughts transforming into reality is a very powerful concept.

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