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Addiction Medical Treatments with Richard Gracer, MD

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
There are chemical changes in the brains of addicts that must be dealt with to reduce the cravings associated with addiction. Genetic factors are considered. Methamphetamine addiction is addressed. Abuse and dependence are differentiate. For the first time, a doctor has developed a treatment program especially for "hidden" addicts-people whose lives...

All About Iron

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
With too little or too much iron the end result is a disaster. Iron deficiency in pregnancy causes mental retardation and iron excess in adults predisposes to premature aging. Five percent of the population has the gene for iron overload.      

Aneuploidy and Cancer with David Rasnick Part 1

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
  Theories about the cause of cancer are many but the answers are not clear. Aneuploidy is an imbalance of the number of chromosomes, In cancer they usually range between 60-90 chromosomes rather than 46. No two cancers are the same. Normal cells do not de-differentiate, they progress in an abnormal way. Gene mutations are too small to cause cancer.                

Aneuploidy and Cancer with David Rasnick Part 2

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
  It is the number of chromosomes, not genes, that lead to the massive changes required for cancer. There are no confirmed cases of normal diploid cancer. Cancer cells are damaged cells that are trying to survive and as a consequence they cause disease. Gene theories do not explain the progression of cancer.                

Aneuploidy and Cancer with David Rasnick Part 3

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
  How aneuploidy affects the cancer treatments we use is discussed. Today's treatment is designed to kill cells, mostly cancer cells. Antibodies against certain abnormal genes do not work--Gleevac and Herceptin are examples. Aneuploidy explains drug resistance and why treatments targeted to certain genes cannot work.            

Autism with Richard Kunin, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  There is an epidemic of autism and the cause for it is multifactorial. Dr. Kunin explains the myriad of factors in addition to DNA abnormalities that cause autism. Vaccines are another important trigger in three important ways.          

Belly Fat is Dangerous in People with a Normal Weight

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
  Even people with a normal weight who have excess belly fat are at 2.75 times the risk for cardiovascular death and 2.1 times the risk of all cause mortality according to researchers at the Mayo Clinic. Information from the NHANES study showed that an abnormal waist to hip ratio is a powerful predictive statistic. Abdominal fat is correlated with the...

Big Pharma, The History of its Monopolization

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
There are 3 charges against Big Pharma. Patents give them a monopoly on a drug, the cost of advertizing is paid for by the consumer, and new unnecessary products are brought to market to renew patents.      

Bioelectric Fingerprint of Cancer Cells

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
  Can changing bioelectric signals halt tumor growth? Biologists at Tufts University discovered a bioelectric signal that identifies cells that are likely  to become cancerous. And by altering the membrane charge can block the development of cancer! Tumor sites had a unique level of depolarized membrane voltage relative to surrounding tissue that...

BRACA Gene Mutation Cancer Risks

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
BRACA gene mutations are associated with a number of cancers such as breast, ovarian, and prostate. Women with this defect have about an 80% chance of getting cancer in their lifetime. Treatment options are reviewed.          

Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 02/17/2015
The incidence of breast cancer has increased substantially over the past hundred years and yet there has not been sufficient time for our genes to have mutated to account for this change. This means that there are a wide range of epigenetic factors that must account for the abrupt increase. If you get breast cancer it is vital that you find a practitioner...

Breast Cancer and Air Pollution

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Pollution is a major factor that interferes with the biochemistry of our cells. This can lead to cancer. Traffic pollution has been shown to be associated with a higher incidence of breast cancer. Nitrous oxide is the determinant factor that results in the higher incidence of breast cancer. The rate of cancer doubles when you compare the highest quartile...

Can Your Blood Pressure Medicine Make You Blind?

submitted by: admin on 06/06/2014
A study conducted over 25 years on 5000 people aged 43-86 from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine was published in the medical journal, Opthalmology, in May of 2014. This study documented that when drugs that dilate arteries to lower blood pressure, such as Apresoline (hydralazine) or Minipress (minoxidil...yes the same drug that is used to treat...

Consciousness Reasearch with Richard Blasband, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
The interface between consciousness and life energy is explored. Average people simply by concentrating can affect random generators. Non-local effects are common. Emotions and powerful events can entrain how random generators spit out random numbers. Intention is central to specific changes in reality.

Dangerous Viral Gene Found in Most GMO Crops

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) belatedly discovered that of the 86 GMO foods developed, 54 contain a virus called Gene 6 that has not been cleared for safety! Gene 6 may also disturb the normal health of crops, including their natural pest resistance as well as human health. GMO crops should be banned and recalled. In the US we don't...

Diet, Exercise, and Lifestyle Affect Prostate Cancer

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Dr. Saputo discusses how diet, exercise and lifestyle affect cancer. DNA is not immutable, it can be changed so that oncogenes can be turned off or on.        

Does Spiritual Health Lead to Better Health?

submitted by: admin on 06/01/2014
  Despite differences in rituals and belief among the world's major religions (Buddhism, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Protestants), spirituality often enhances health regardless of a person's faith according to researchers at the University of Missouri. Actually, anything you believe, whether in self, others, or spirit, has a powerful effect...

Does Your Attitude Affect Your Genes?

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  The July issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences posted an article by UCLA and the University of North Carolina showing that different types of happiness have surprisingly different effects on the human genome. Narcissistic happiness, like prolonged stress, causes high levels of inflammation and low antiviral and antibody...

Energy Medicine with Marc Weill

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Marc takes a look at energy medicine from the perspective of applied kinesiology and describes how he uses it and what it treats. Applied kinesiology, iridology, electrodermal screening are some of the modalities used in energy medicine in Europe that are starting to make their way into the progressive health care practitioners practices in the US. Managing...

Energy Psychology

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Energy psychology is coming into its own as a bonified field of psychology. It originally developed from applied kinesiology and muscle testing. According to Eugene Gendlin, psychotherapy is about energetic shifts, called a felt shift, that happen when someone finds new meaning on a life issue. There are interesting tapping techniques that can activate energy...

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