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Cosmetic Ingredient Review by the FDA with Stacy Malkan

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  The cosmetic trade association does cosmetic ingredient reviews. The organization is composed of cosmetic manufacturers and people who they select to review their products for safety issues. The conflict of interest has led to a very poor job and for the most part this industry is not adequately regulated; the fox is guarding the hen house. There are...

Does Your Baby Need Baby Wash?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  I never cease to be amazed at the lack of ethics of the pharmaceutical companies and much of the rest of the medical industry. Making a profit is clearly the major objective; service is often merely a convenience. Johnson and Johnson (J & J) are not an exception. In the February 2013 issue of the Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic and Neonatal...

How Safe are Cosmetics? With Marie Veronique Nadeau

submitted by: admin on 02/23/2025
The ingredients in cosmetic products are not regulated and they have many toxic ingredients that are not listed. To have healthy skin it is crucial to eat a good diet, exercise, and be sure you have sufficient antioxidants. Exercising the facial muscles helps keep them from sagging.

Toxicity of Food with Beverly Rubik, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  Processed foods are not  real food and they are not healthy for us. Reading ingredients is critical. The toxins added to food contribute to the epidemic of chronic degenerative diseases. Inflammation follows and ruins our health.

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