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low salt diet

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Congestive Heart Failure

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Congestive heart failure develops if there is sufficient death of heart muscle (myocardial infarction) and subsequent inability of the remaining normal heart tissue to pump enough blood to the body. Tissues that die obviously cannot contract, but there are also areas around the infarction, called the peri-infacrtion area, that are in shock and may not be...

Treating Congestive Heart Failure as Energy Deficiency

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  Congestive heart failure is caused by a deficiency of energy in the heart. The definition, symptoms, and mechanisms of heart failure is provided. Drugs can be lifesaving, but treating the cause of of heart failure should also be considered. Modern testing of energy production by the mitochondria is possible today. The role of statins in causing heart...

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