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submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
What you put on your skin goes directly into your lymphatics and circulation without passing the liver first, as happens when we eat something. And, some chemicals are more permeable across the skin than across the gut. You should not put anything on your skin that you would not eat! Autopsy studies show that mineral oil widely permeates our internal...
submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Toxins are widespread are in most of our cosmetic products because they are mostly unregulated. The three "P's" are widely used and include parabens; there are dozens of them and they are linked to cancer because they cause early puberty, a risk factor for breast cancer. The second P are pthalates, which is very widespread. They are plastic...
submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
Found in Skin Care, Body Care, and Self Care Products