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submitted by: admin on 06/20/2018
Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse occur in 10-25% of kids and often leads to PTSD that is long term and resistant to treatment. Balancing neurotransmitters is treating symptoms not the cause. The best treatment addresses the underlying cause and often involves both psychotherapy and somatic psychotherapy.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Back pain affects most of us at some time in our life. Both mainstream and CAM treatment alternatives are offered and integrative strategies encouraged. The use of infrared light therapy is introduced as a powerful adjunct along with physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, bodywork, imagery, qigong, prolo therapy, ozone, surgery, and much more.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
There are 300,000 spinal fusions every year in the US. Most of the time back pain, regardless of its severity, clears withing about 3 months. There are many alternatives as well that can be added to mainstream approaches to manage back pain that include modalities such as chiropractic, orthopedics, physical therapy, massage, acupuncture, bodywork, DMSO, imagery,...
submitted by: admin on 06/26/2016
More than 60% of breast cancer survivors report at least one treatment related complication even 6 years after their treatment. Thirty percent are dealing with two issues such as lymphedema, skin reactions to radiation, upper pody symptoms and functional limitations, weight gain, fatigue, and peripheral neuropathy from chemotherapy.
Fragmented care leads...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Both bullies and their victims are more likely to live with violence at home and are associated with increase likelihood of suicide, substance abuse, and poor academic achievement. Kids don't often have the tools needed to deal with domestic abuse and do the best they can to cope with situations that they are ill-equipped to manage.
It is necessary to...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
A recent study conducted by medical professionals outside the chiropractic profession concluded that chiropractic care is more effective for common, work-related, low back pain when compard to treatment by a physical therapist of physician. Overall chiropractic patients had lower medical expenses, fewer disability recurrences, and shorter initial periods of disability....
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Half of all Americans have chronic pain that interfere with lifestyle. Back pain is most common. Solutions for pain relief are discussed including prayer! Drug and alcohol addictions are common. OTC drugss are common but are not safe.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
While having a stroke can be devastating, there are cutting edge strategies that can help a lot more than conventional medical practice that includes physical therapy, anticoagulation, and sometimes surgery. Most strokes are caused by clots from arteriosclerosis or atrial fibrillation or hemorrhage into the brain, but stroke-like conditions such as head trauma,...
submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki review the long list of drugs that have the potential to create cognitive decline in the elderly. The value and importance of lifestyle is highlighted and the lack of effectiveness of drugs to treat cognitive decline is revealed.
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
How to approach exercise for the elderly. Physical limitations must be appreciated. The fear of falling is addressed. Muscle loss from lack of exercise can be gradually restored with a gradually increasing program.
submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
The vast majority of illnesses are changeable with our thought processes. Your experience of health is related to how you process information. Conflict is what leads to disease. The bipolar universe encourages conflict. Being present and oneness lead to love and connection and compassion for all things. The new paradigm honors unity.
submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
How we move reflects us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. It reveals how we relate to life. There are even social aspects of how it is okay to move, especially in natural movements of the hips.
submitted by: admin on 02/16/2025
Surgery is not the first approach to consider most of the time for herniated discs as much of the time they spontaneouly heal. The pros and cons of the various styles of treatment are discussed. In a large study the outcomes of surgery vs physical therapy and exercise were identical. Integrative therapies are reviewed.
submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
Body, mind, emotion, and spirit are inseparable. They are one thing, not four. What you think regulates the biochemistry and physiology of the body. Imagery is the language of the mind and what we imagine is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. Physical disease is the somatic expession of psychospiritual dis-ease.
submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
The role of spirit in life leads the way for some people like Jim Parker who is a world champion tennis player. The choices we make in life have a lot to do with how it unfolds; so from that perspective we co-create our future. Tennis matches for a mature tennis pro like Jim are a dance with your partner who happens to be on the other side of the net. Your partner...
submitted by: admin on 07/13/2017
A study of 351 patients over age 45 with knee pain, cartilage tear, and knee osteoarthritis were treated with arthroscopy or physical therapy and evaluated after 6 and 12 months. One third of the physical therapy group elected for arthroscopic surgery but the remainder of the group did as well at 12 months as those getting arthroscopy.
In osteoarthritis...
submitted by: admin on 10/11/2017
Tennis elbow is a repetitive stress injury that results from improper stroke technique and occurs in the lateral epicondyle for backhands and the medial epicondyle for the serve and forehand. All too often the joint is treated with a cortisone injection and physical therapy and the person is told to return to playing tennis when the pain is resolved....
submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Accprdomg to a study in Psychosomatic Medicine in March of 2013, Americans work longer hours, take fewer vacation days, and retire later than employees compared to other countries. This leads to job burnout, and it is related to premature coronary artery disease and heart attacks. The top 20% of the burnout scale had a 79% increase risk of coronary...
submitted by: admin on 02/16/2025
Loss of friends, illness, dementia, and lack of interests lead to withdrawl and lonliness. We need stimulation, both mental and physical and should be engaged in life. Retirement can be challenging.
submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
A study out of Notre Dame University August of 2012 showed that telling the truth when tempted to lie can significantly improve a person's mental and physical health. Investigators sampled 110 people over 10 weeks. Half were instructed to stop telling major and minor lies for the 10 week study. Both groups returned to the lab weekly to complete...