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Abused Kids Have Long Term Resistant Depression

submitted by: admin on 06/20/2018
Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse occur in 10-25% of kids and often leads to PTSD that is long term and resistant to treatment. Balancing neurotransmitters is treating symptoms not the cause. The best treatment addresses the underlying cause and often involves both psychotherapy and somatic psychotherapy.                

Americans are Sicker and Die Sooner than all Other Industrialized Countries

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
  Overall, Americans die sooner and have higher rates of disease and injury from birth to age 75 than all other industrialized countries! Included are infant mortality, birth weight, injuries and homicides, teen pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, drug deaths, obesity and diabetes, chronic lung disease and generalized disability. Over...

Anti-depressants Do More Harm than Good

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
  A study at McMaster University published in Frontiers in Psychology, showed that anti-depressants do more harm than good! Conventional wisdom dictates that these drugs are safe and effective. These drugs increase the risk for fetal development problems, sexual dysfunction, digestive problems, and stroke. They may even cause osteoporosis. There...

Are the Emotional Side Effects of Antidepressants Worse than the Disease?

submitted by: admin on 05/26/2015
In a study done on 1829 people on antidepressants from the University of Liverpool that was published in the February 2014 issue of the journal, Psychiatry Research, more than half of the participants reported psychological problems due to their medication! Thoughts of suicide, sexual difficulties, and emotional numbness were far more common than appreciated.  The...

Bullying Linked to Family Violence

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Both bullies and their victims are more likely to live with violence at home and are associated with increase likelihood of suicide, substance abuse, and poor academic achievement. Kids don't often have the tools needed to deal with domestic abuse and do the best they can to cope with situations that they are ill-equipped to manage. It is necessary to...

Can Being Slim be Harmful to Your Health

submitted by: admin on 04/30/2014
Being underweight has a higher risk for dying than being overweight in older healthy people according to an article published in the March 2014 issue of the Journal  of Epidemiology and Public Health. This conclusion was based on a review of 51 studies that reviewed the links between body mass index (BMI) and death from any cause.  Results...

Causes of Eating Disorders

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Eating disorders (bulimia and anorexia) are frequently triggered by traumatic events such as severe grief, relationship problems, or abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual) when there is insufficient support from family or friends. Eight million people suffer from these conditions and 20% will die within 20 years, 35% will recover, and the remaining 45% will suffer...

Do Healthcare Practitioners Need Training for their Patients' Sexual Needs?

submitted by: admin on 02/23/2025
The sexual needs of hospitalized patients seems to be a "hush-hush"a topic, for people such as those with brain injuries, strokes, incontinence, and much more, but these are real issues that need to be dealt with with compassionate advice. The November of 2012 issue of the Journal of Advanced Nursing, explored this topic and reported that sex education...

Foreplay Can Start with Taking Out the Garbage

submitted by: admin on 09/03/2014
Love and sexual intercourse go together in healthy relationships. Our sexual drive, nonetheless, is so powerful that we often have sex in relationships that are quite unsatisfactory and can lead to sexual dysfunction that includes hypoactive sexual desire, sexual arousal disorder, lack of orgasm, and painful sex (dysparunea). Forty three percent of women...

Is Sex Necessary?

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
A good sex life helps with sense of smell, boosts immunity, and reduces cancer, heart disease, and stroke, and also improves pain and depression. Oxytocin, testosterone, prostaglandins are involved.          

Medical Anthropology and Sex with Meg Jordan

submitted by: admin on 02/23/2025
There has been a decline in sexual interest over the past few decades that is related to the disconnection caused by high tech electronics but also to environmental toxins. Sperm quality and numbers are dropping. Depression is another factor that has decreased libido. We've lost our meaningful purpose in life in our materialistic, narcissistic lives. Connection,...

Physical Exercise and Sex Can Be Associated with a Heart Attack

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Regular physical activity has been identified as strongly associated with a decreased risk for cardiovascular disease and related mortality. However, episodic exercise such as sex, emotional stress, or intense physical exertion carries as much as a 3.5 times additional risk as a trigger for adverse cardiac events. Research documents that the risk of an adverse...

Sex in Our Later Years

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
Many people maintain an active and fulfilling sex life well into their 80's according to recent research. Clearly the importance of sex in our life changes as we age but 2-3 times a month is average across all age groups.

Sex: Is it the High Point of a Woman's Day?

submitted by: admin on 02/23/2025
Recent surveys show this is true! When the activities of the day are compared this is not surprising. Sex drives vary as estrogen levels drop with age or if testosterone is increased. Len and Vicki have fun with this topic!

Solutions for Spousal Abuse

submitted by: admin on 04/10/2015
  Spousal abuse is far more common that most of us realize. Actually, abuse is common in most marriages; perhaps that is why 50% of marriages end in divorce, 67% of second marriages end in divorse, and 75% of third marriages end in divorce. It is why marriage couselling is so common! All to often courting leads to both people being on their best...

Sticks and Stones Can Break My Bones, but Words...

submitted by: admin on 02/23/2025
  Emotional abuse can be as severe as physical and sexual abuse and any form can lead to severe disabilities later in life. This includes belittling, denigrating, terrorizing, exploiting, emotional unresponsiveness, or corrupting a child in a way that jeopardizes safety and often leads to making the child feel worthless, unloved, or unwanted. This...

Weight Management Overview

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
HOW TO DEAL WITH WEIGHT ISSUES SUCCESSFULLY Weight loss programs don't work! Today's weight management programs don't work over the long haul! Yet there is a $52 billion market that continues to convince overweight people that there is hope if they use the program or product offered by a particular company. This results in yo yo weight changes...

What Does Your Doctor Worry About?

submitted by: admin on 01/20/2015
An article published in WebMd in December of 2014 interviewed 21,000 MDs to see what they worried about in making decisions about patient care. Issues included assisted suicide, abortion, patient confidentiality, medical mistakes, financial matters, sexual relationships, reporting incompetent doctors, and using placebos.  Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki discuss...

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