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Dangerous Viral Gene Found in Most GMO Crops

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) belatedly discovered that of the 86 GMO foods developed, 54 contain a virus called Gene 6 that has not been cleared for safety! Gene 6 may also disturb the normal health of crops, including their natural pest resistance as well as human health. GMO crops should be banned and recalled. In the US we don't...

Flawed Genes Account for less than One Percent of All Diseases

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
  According to editorials in August of 2012 from Sayer Ji of GreenMedInfo, and Elizabeth Renter of NaturalSociety, it has been estimated that less than 1% of all diseases are caused by flawed genes! Because the influence of our environment on genes (epigenetics) usually determines the expression of our genes, our lifestyle becomes very important...

Is infant formula safe?

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
  Infant formula will never come remotely close to providing the nutrients found in human breast milk. Formula has the wrong fats, sugars, and proteins and is missing most nutrients found in mother's milk. Sixty percent of the calories derived from mother's milk is from fat. It is critical that mothers to be eat a healthy diet starting about...

The Dark Side of Soy

submitted by: admin on 03/04/2025
Soy has become very popular in the US, but there are aspects of it that make it wise to know its forms, if it is genetically engineered and how it affects our biochemistry. The controversies around soy are explored.

The Happy Story of GM (Genetically Modified) Crops

submitted by: admin on 03/04/2025
       "A Return to Healing" Blog: Fri, 03/12/2010 - 23:38 — BBelitsos This short but profound piece, by a Wisconsin dairy farmer named Jim Goodman, is the kind of plain-spoken information we urgently need to understand the GMO debacle--one of the pillars of unsustainable agriculture. (It was first published on February 24,...

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