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Artificial Sweeteners Increase Heart Attacks and Strokes

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
  People who consume at least one diet soda a day are at a 43% increased risk of developing a heart attack, stroke, or serious vascular event according to an article in the January issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine. A study of 2500 people over 10 years was completed. However, drinking less than 7 diet sodas a week or drinking regular...

Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatment Through Exercise

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Exercise is beneficial for both prevention as well as treatment for cancer and its spread. Lifestyle factors are often more effective than conventional cancer treatments yet this is largely ignored in mainstream medicine. Diet, sleep, exercise, vitamin D, sunlight are reviewed.        

Cosmetic Dermatology with June Engle, MD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Sun damage to the skin begin to become obvious at middle age. New and highly effective and safe approaches with lasers are discussed. Many people have an improved outlook on who they are and how they function in life when their appearance is improved.    

How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?

submitted by: admin on 06/05/2016
  There is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency because we don't get enough sun from 10-2:00. UVB rays are not present at other times & they don't go through glass, clothing, sun block, or clouds. We need 10-30 minutes on a large surface area depending on our skin pigmentation and age. There is also a pandemic of osteoporosis, diabetes, hypertension,...

How the Sun Can Help You Lose Weight

submitted by: admin on 05/28/2014
Can the morning rays keep the pounds off? You bet! According to an article out of Northwestern University Medical Center published in the April issue of PLoS ONE, morning sunlight for 20-30 minutes between 8 am and noon can lower our body mass index by 20% over time! This means, according to this scientific study, that a 150 pound person would lose about...

How Vitamin D Affects Cancer

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
Vitamin D may increase longevity in people with cancer according to an article from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai in the April 2014 issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinoloogy and Metabolism. Scientists measured vitamin D levels in more than 17,000 patients diagnosed wth cancer and found that those with higher levels had better survival...

How You Get Vitamin D with Bill Grant

submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
  We need UVB light is necessary to make vitamin D. The amount of exposure to sunlight is reviewed. The production of vitamin D is also reviewed. Organs that are prone to cancer convert the circulating 25 hydroxy vitamin D to the hormonal form of 1, 25 dihydroxy vitamin D (calcitriol), which is 1000 times more effective in fighting cancer. Too much of...

Is There Something Neither the CDC nor Your Doctor is not Telling You About the Flu Shot?

submitted by: admin on 10/24/2018
Disinformation, fear, and confusion is what the CDC, White House, FDA, and WHO have created in the great infection deception during the 2009-10 Swine flu "pandemic." And they are at it again! By proclamation, these groups continue to lie to us by telling us that we should all be getting our flu shots once again to prevent the disability and deaths from...

Marie-Veronique Nadeau

submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
    Marie-Veronique Nadeau has devoted a good portion of her adult life to the study of the cosmetics industry, with a view to providing safe alternatives to the frequently quite toxic products currently on offer to the public.  This research has taken her into fields as diverse as sun protection, anti-aging, the safety of products designed for...

Nanoparticles and Sunscreens with Vicki and Stacy Malkan

submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
  Nanoparticles are tiny versions of chemicals. It is new technology and not studied for the impact on human health. They are very absorbable and used in many products. There is lots of marketing by commercial products to make us think they are good, but they can be dangerous, especially if put on our skin because they can go to our brains and organs,...

Nanoparticles: An Overview

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  Nanoparticles are extemely small particles that can travel to parts of the body where normally they are not found. The safety and long term effects of these particles is unknown, but we're using them anyway! Titanium issues are discussed in terms of possible relationship to lung cancer. The safety tests are being done on the population at large....

Osteoporosis Overview

submitted by: admin on 05/17/2015
  The definition, risk factors, causes, and treatment of osteoporosis and osteopenia are reviewed. The problems with bisphosphonates are reviewed and natural strategies for prevention and treatment discussed.          

Prescriptions for Health Radio Show: March 18, 2011

submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
Hour One:  20:20 tips  “ SSKI (Saturated Solution of Potassium Iodide)”  Besides protecting the thyroid in case of impending nuclear exposure, it has many uses as a home remedy; and tip #2 “More uses for SSKI drops and possible side effect and safety.” Both tips talk about the potassium iodide pills.   Topics this...

Sun, Vitamin D, and Cancer

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
  We need sunlight to make vitamin D. The types, sources of vitamin D, and physiology of vitamin D are reviewed. The relationship between vitamin D levels and cancer are reviewed.        

Sunless Tanning Lotion or Sun Tanning

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
  Sunless tanning from lotions avoids being in the sun and many people who are afraid of skin cancer are inclined to choose this approach for tanning. Artificial approaches don't do the same thing for the body as natural sunlight in proper dosages. Dihydrooxyacetone is a product that produces an artificial tan. However, when you get in the sunlight...

Sunscreens that are Safe with Marie Veronique Nadeau

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Sunburn, wrinkles, rosacea, and cancer can be prevented or minimized with sunblock. There are many chemicals that are in sunblock that are dangerous. The differences of UVA and UVB and what they do are explained.          

Sunshine is Superior to Vitamin D Supplements

submitted by: admin on 06/05/2016
  A study out of the University of Edinburgh and presented at the International Investigative Dermatological Conference in May of 2013 reported that sunlight on skin lowers blood pressure by increasing the release of nitric oxide. They exposed 24 people to a tanning lamp for two 20 minute sessions where in one group the UV light was blocked and in the...

Super Natural Home with Beth Greer Part V

submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
Summer trips can be "green" and there are green hotels and camps for kids that are not only environmentally safe, but also offer healthy foods that are trans fat and high fructose corn syrup free. Airline food and water is generally not healthy; it is best bring your own snacks and to use bottled water. Natural sunscreens are another concern as most sunscreens...

The Importance of Vitamin D in Serious Illness

submitted by: admin on 06/05/2016
A study published in Pediatrics from the University of Ottawa documented that 75% of children in ICU with serious illnesses had low vitamin D levels and were noted to be sicker, requiring more life support services, and longer times in the ICU. Considering that there is an epidemic of vitamin D deficiency caused by lack of exposure to sunlight, it is not particularly...

The Radiation Crisis in Japan: How to Protect You and Your Family From Radiation Poisoning

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013

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