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the zone

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Hearing is Selective

submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
  A study published in Psychological Science in August of 2013 documented that we focus our hearing on familiar voices over those of strangers. We also can ignore familiar voices better...just ask my wife, Vicki! Sometimes we can hear but we don't listen. As we age hearing becomes more of a challenge and in people with Alzheimer's...

Mastering the Mind of the Body with Julie Motz

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
In Chinese medicine the liver meridian runs through the knee and so does anger. Repetitive anger wears on the knee. The meaning of emotions and why they developed needs to be worked out. Working out how it feels when one wins and loses is a great way to begin the healing exploration. The hidden emotional agendas need to be worked out before healing can begin.

Replacing Effort With Skill, Part 11 with Ofer Erez

submitted by: admin on 03/04/2025
Trying harder is a reflection of not having mastered a particular skill. When we get better at whatever we're doing, it becomes easy and effortless.

What we Believe Influences our Health

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  We know that what we think has a powerful effect on our biochemistry and physiology, but just how powerful is this effect? Examples such as placebo, nocebo, voodoo, intention, being in the zone, are explored. The ticklish questions that arise include how far should a health care practitioner go to use these tools and how much must a patient know about...

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