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Epidemic of Failing Artificial Hips

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Tens of thousands of metal on metal artificial hips are failing years earlier than expected and are requiring a second surgery to take the old device out and put in a new one. There has been no tracking system to follow how they do, although after the fact a tracking system is being implemented by orthopedists now. This is coming at a price of about $1 billion....

Is Your Hip Replacement Poisoning You?

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Metal on metal hip prostheses are made of titanium, chromium, and cobalt. When they wear out they release chromium and cobalt into the local tissues, but also into the circulation. Metallosis can result and sometimes leads to tremendous inflammation. The orthopedic community does not yet accept this entity, yet 93,000 DePuy hip prostheses are being recalled....

Nanoparticles and Sunscreens with Vicki and Stacy Malkan

submitted by: admin on 03/04/2025
  Nanoparticles are tiny versions of chemicals. It is new technology and not studied for the impact on human health. They are very absorbable and used in many products. There is lots of marketing by commercial products to make us think they are good, but they can be dangerous, especially if put on our skin because they can go to our brains and organs,...

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