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FDA warns MDs about using hydroxychloroquine

submitted by: admin on 05/21/2020
FDA warns MDs about using hydroxychloroquine Hydroxychloroquine is already approved for safety and has been used in medical practice by MDs for decades for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Studies were done in 2005 documenting its value in SARS. While the FDA has allowed its use in the hospital setting, it has condemned it for use out of the hospital. The...

The Cholesterol Myth with Lani Simpson, DC

submitted by: admin on 02/16/2025
When should cholesterol be treated? Cholesterol is essential for life. We must have it to make vitamin D, most hormones, cell membranes and coenzyme Q10. The fractions of cholesterol are important in predicting arteriosclerosis.

The Voice of Reason with Francesco and Dr Len

submitted by: admin on 03/19/2021
Cutting through the confusion generated by fake news and brainwashing hyperbole that has left us all wondering what to believe about COVID 19. Solid medical science and research data from the CDC and global health experts are reviewed and discussed.   The Voice of Reason podcasts are intended to provide a common sense commentary from authors...

The Voices of Reason

submitted by: admin on 02/04/2023
Cutting through the confusion generated by fake news and brainwashing hyperbole that has left us all wondering what to believe about COVID 19. Solid medical science and research data from the CDC and global health experts are reviewed and discussed.   The Voice of Reason Shows are intended to provide a common sense commentary from authors...

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