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Antibiotics and the GI Tract

submitted by: admin on 05/13/2015
This is an extensive review of what antibiotics do to the microflora of the GI tract. Many MDs overuse antibiotics "just to be sure" that a bacteria may be causing symptoms; this is very dangerous thinking. It is common knowledge that antibiotics are massively overused in treating colds, flus, ear infections, etc. Yeast syndromes, leaky gut syndrome,...

Antibiotics and Their Dangers

submitted by: admin on 05/13/2015
Antibiotics are massively overused in medical practice. Their side effects are far more profound than most MDs recognize. We review some of these complications, especially in modifying the microbial ecosystem in the gut.            

Preview: Antibiotics and the GI Tract

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
This is an extensive review of what antibiotics do to the microflora of the GI tract. Many MDs overuse antibiotics "just to be sure" that a bacteria may be causing symptoms; this is very dangerous thinking. It is common knowledge that antibiotics are massively overused in treating colds, flus, ear infections, etc. Yeast syndromes, leaky gut syndrome,...

Probiotics, Diarrhea, and S. Boulardii

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
When we use antibiotics we destroy the microbial ecosystem in the gut that can lead to overgrowth of microbes that can cause yeast overgrowth. S. boulardii is a friendly yeast that crowds out pathogenic yeast that make us sick. Overuse of antibiotics often also leads to superinfections with C. difficile that causes a horrible inflammation in the gut.      

What is Your Intestinal Bacterial Type

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
An individual's intestinal bacteria flora falls into certain patterns that are independent of nationality, gender, and age according to a 2011 article in the journal, Nature. They believe that the composition of the GI microflora is a new biological fingerprint, just as our blood type or tissue type.  We depend on our GI microflora to metabolize...

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