Nutritional Consultation

Price: $200.00

Geoffrey Marx, NC

Strategies for Wellness, Nutrition, Phytotherapy




Geoffrey Marx is a consultant and humanist dedicated to promoting wellbeing. Somewhat given to unabashed pontification and abstraction, he is nevertheless grounded as a Certified Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He is a graduate of Bauman College in Berkeley and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from San Francisco State University in Humanities and Philosophy. Geoffrey is currently the President of the Health Medicine Forum, a non-profit service organization dedicated to the advancement of integral, holistic, preventive, person-centered healthcare.


Geoffrey has been the staff nutritionist at the Health Medicine Center in Walnut Creek since 2006, where he works in collaboration with a diverse team of practitioners under the directorship of Len Saputo, M.D. Additionally, he maintains a private practice,

MarxConsulting, in Moraga where he devotes considerable time and energy to research, consciousness studies and strategies for wellness.






Client Process

  • Telephone consultation to actively listen, explore and evaluate client’s health history.
  • Succinct recommendations delivered via email or mail with specific suggestions on food, herbs, supplements and lifestyle practices that specifically target the client’s health challenge.
  • Follow up appointments made as needed.


Areas of Focus


Overall wellbeing - mind, body and spirit

Creating a consistent and coherent plan 

Conscious eating

Optimal digestion

Immune enhancement

Stress, fatigue, anxiety, depression




I am honored to spend time with people who seek greater wellness understanding. 

I am interested in cultivating meaningful dialogue in this pursuit. The paradigm has not shifted and the healthcare industry is especially over-populated with arrogance, ignorance, pointless competition, mind-numbing misinformation and greed.


Take a deep breath. I stand in favor of slowing down, listening and caring. 

Imagine being heard. Imagine someone you don’t know investing their time and energy towards your healing.


What is the value of this experience? 


I understand that we are all students in this life and that, as fragile beings, we must treat each other with a greater respect. I practice what I preach each moment of each day. When we strive for this authenticity, we may find the inner peace and strength to heal ourselves, 

our loved ones and beyond. This coherence is a discipline. When practiced with consistence, “being the change you wish to see”, it shall bring a new era of hope to our culture of distress and disease.


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Strategic Partners

Dr. Len's health clinic

Immune system boosting meditations and Qigong exercises