Beyond Chiropractic with Mitchell Corwin, DC

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013

Applied kinesiology was born within the chiropractic profession. It is a methodology to evaluate and treat neurological disorders within the central nervous system. It involves muscle testing like a biofeedback tool that allows the practitioner to find out what is happening in the nervous system. Muscle testing is allows investigation to find the root cause of the health issue rather than treating the symptom. The idea is to give input to the body and see how it processes the stimulus; this provides an assessment of neurological function. There is a specific muscle that correlates to each organ system; this combined with the acupuncture meridian system provide a very accurate assessment system that helps manage pain, musculoskeletal problems, organ dysfunction, and emotional disorders.



Beyond Chiropractic with Mitchell Corwin, DC (Video)

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