Does Cholesterol Prevent Cancer?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013


Cholesterol binding proteins bind and transport cholesterol within the cell much like lipoproteins carry it in the blood stream. When the receptor sites for cholesterol in the cell are left vacant because cholesterol levels are too low, cell growth is increased. Could this be part of the reason why statins have an increased all cause mortality when levels are below 150?

Cholesterol has gotten a bad rap. Without it we cannot survive. It is absolutely necessary to make vitamin D, many hormones, cell membranes, and now to slow down cell growth. We have shot the messenger, not the culprit. The cause of heart attacks and strokes is not cholesterol. It only becomes a problem when we are in a super inflammed state and cholesterol is oxidized. Then it can be incororporated into placque and obstruct blood vessels in the heart and brain. But the problem is not cholesterol, it is the inflammation. Lowering cholesterol is one way to minimize placque formation, but it would be a far better idea to get rid of the inflammation that is the root of the problem!


Does Cholesterol Prevent Cancer (Video)

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