Drug Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease is Lacking

submitted by: admin on 05/24/2016

Drugs developed to treat Alzheimer's disease produce only fleeting memory improvements and do not slow the overall course of the disease. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors such as Aricept, Razadyne, and Exelon and NMDA receptor inhibitors such as Namenda have very limited value.

There is a new experimental drug called J147 that at least in mice enhances memory in both normal and ALzheimer's mice and also oprotects the brain from loss of synaptic connections. It is many years from reaching the market, and that is if it reaches it at all.

There are other approaches that could be used clinically today that are underappreciated. New research shows that Alzheimer's disease is akin to an electrical brown out. Neurons simply cannot use glucose to make enough energy and they gradually die. It is possible to provide an alternate form of energy using saturated fats that are metabolized to ketone bodies. These ketone bodies provide an alternate source of ATP production. This along with niacinamide, choline, B12, and curcumin may help delay the progression or even improve the status of Alzheimer's disease.



Dr. Saputo's Alzheimer's Disease Health Assessment


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is like an electrical "brown out" that develops as energy production of the hippocampal region of the brain begins to fail and atrophies. Nutritional programs make it possible to resuscitate some mitochondrial energy production and either stabilize or improve symptoms. 

Drugs are not a good solution because they provide minimal help and they have worrisome of side effects. Lifestyle strategies such as mental and physical exercise can delay or prevent the onset of AD and should always be part of an AD treatment program. It is also important to know that there are many prescription medications that are "anti-cholinergic" that are discussed in the videos below that can aggravate symptoms and should be avoided. Lastly, Dr. Saputo provides new cutting edge research that includes how light therapies can be used to reverse some symptoms of AD. 

For those of you interested in incorporating the most recent scientific breakthroughs into your treatment program, Dr. Saputo suggests you take our Alzheimer’s Disease Health Assessment. It is free and only takes about 2 minutes to complete. Based on how you fill out the assessment, certain audio and video files will be suggested for your review to help you learn what is possible deal with your particular symptoms. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is like an electrical "brown out" that develops as energy production of the hippocampus region of the brain begins to fail and atrophies. Nutritional programs make it possible to resuscitate some mitochondrial energy production and either stabilize or improve symptoms. 

Drugs are not a good solution because they provide minimal help and they have worrisome of side effects. Lifestyle strategies such as mental and physical exercise can delay or prevent the onset of AD and should always be part of an AD treatment program. It is also important to know that there are many prescription medications that are "anti-cholinergic" that are discussed in the videos below that can aggravate symptoms and should be avoided. Lastly, Dr. Saputo provides new cutting edge research that includes how light therapies can be used to reverse some symptoms of AD. 

For those of you interested in incorporating the most recent scientific breakthroughs into your treatment program, Dr. Saputo suggests you take our Alzheimer’s Disease Health Assessment. It is free and only takes about 2 minutes to complete. Based on how you fill out the assessment, certain audio and video files will be suggested for your review to help you learn what is possible deal with your particular symptoms. 

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