The largest decrease in BP ever shown by any dietary intervention is flaxseeds according to a paper presented at the American Heart Association 2012 Scientific Sessions. Just 2 tablespoons of milled flax seeds resulted in a drop of 10 mm of Hg systolic and 7 mm Hg diastolic. This is equivalent to most antihypertensive drugs, and without their associated "side effects."
Flaxseeds cause a doubling of plasma alpha linolenic acid and a 10 fold increase in lignans that in combination with the high fiber content of flaxseeds, each of which lower BP.
This level of reduction of BP would be expected to result in 50% fewer strokes and a 30% reduction in heart attacks. The body converts the alpha linolenic acid into EPA and DHA, which have profound positive effects on inflammation, coagulation, and cardiac rhythm disorders.