Vitamin K Protects Against Getting Type 2 Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013


According to an article published in the October issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, in a study of 1069 men and women with an average age of 67, over 5.5 years 131 developed type 2 diabetes. The highest intakes of vitamin K1 were associated with a 51% reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes compared to those with the lowest intakes. For every 100 microgram per day increase in the intake of vitamin K1 the risk of developing type 2 diabetes decreased by 17%.

There are two main forms of vitamin K, K1 and K2. Ninety percent of our intake of vitamin K comes from our dietary intake of green leafy veggies and 10% comes from production in the intestinal tract from the microflora of the gut. 

It is well known that vitamin K is important in blood coagulation, in mineralization of bones, cell growth, and in the prevention of arteriosclerosis.Most doctors know that anticoagulation with Coumadin (warfarin) interferes with blood clotting and that vitamin K reverses this desired effect. However, even though it is reported in the mainstream medical literature, few doctors appreciate that by avoiding the intake of vitamin K containing foods, as is usually recommended when Coumadin ordered,  that we become deficient in vitamin K and are at risk for the complications of vitamin K deficiency. After being on a diet low in vitamin K for 1-2 years the risk for arteriosclerosis and aortic valve calcification increase dramatically.

Vitamin K Protects Against Getting Type 2 Diabetes (Video)

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