What Common Foods are Linked to Getting Lower Grades

submitted by: admin on 01/06/2015

A study out of Ohio State University that was published in the December 2014 issue of Clinical Pediatrics showed that students eating the most fast food compared to those not consuming it much had 20% lower test scores by the eighth grade. This was a study of about 12,000 kids starting from the 5th grade and rechecking their growth in reading, math, and science. 

Less than one third of the kids did not consume fast food, 10% had it every day, and another 10% had it 4-6 times per week. Half of the children ate fast food 1-3 times a week. 

The problem is that fast food not only does not have adequate nutrition but is also loaded with unhealthy foods that include unhealthy fats, loads of high fructose corn syrup, as well as additive, preservatives, and pesticides. What would you really expect!


What Common Foods are Linked to Getting Lower Grades (Video)

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