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Abdominal Fat Causes Osteoporosis

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
  Abdominal fat causes inflammation and osteoporosis. So the metabolic syndrome is associated with bone thinning as well as insulin resistance, hypertension, elevated triglycerides and fat storage. It is very important to avoid sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup, and to exercise to lose abdominal fat. Lifestyle is important medicine. Addendum: Since...

Adolescent Health Declines, Why?

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Teenagers are at a high risk for smoking, alcohol, drugs, and promiscuity because they are trying new things. Education in school on a living a healthy lifestyle is part of the answer. Obesity is another issue.              

Americans are Sicker and Die Sooner than all Other Industrialized Countries

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
  Overall, Americans die sooner and have higher rates of disease and injury from birth to age 75 than all other industrialized countries! Included are infant mortality, birth weight, injuries and homicides, teen pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/AIDS, drug deaths, obesity and diabetes, chronic lung disease and generalized disability. Over...

Are Carbohydrates Important When Losing Weight?

submitted by: admin on 05/16/2015
When we're young we handle carbohydrates better than when we're older. However, excessive carbohydrate intake even in childhood is a bad idea. The risk for metabolic syndrome goes up proportionately as we consume more carbs, especially simple sugars.                

Artficial Sweeteners

submitted by: admin on 10/26/2015
lArtificial sweeteners have not been proven to help with weight loss. In fact, there is some evidence suggesting the opposite. Most artificial sweeteners have worrisome side effects and some are toxic. Stevia is a safe alternative.            

At What Age Should Children be Screened for Cholesterol?

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
  There are no studies defining when kids should be screened for cholesterol, yet there are accepted standards published by the American Academy of Pediatrics and published in the journal, Pediatrics, proclaiming that kids should be screened beginning at age 2 according to the UCSF Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. The reasoning for this...

Can Statins Prevent Breast Cancer?

submitted by: admin on 07/16/2014
An article published in the December 2013 issue of the journal, Science, done on one million people over 14 years found an association between having high cholesterol and the incidence of breast cancer. The risk of breast cancer was increased 1.64 times.  While this sounds impressive, when you take a careful look, it is interesting but far from...

Can the US Economy Afford Preventive Health Care

submitted by: admin on 09/13/2014
US health care depends on our being sick and has become a business as its first priority. That is why we can spend almost three trillion dollars a year and still be ranked 37th in the world in the overall qualiity of health care by the World Health Organization! Throwing dollars at health care does not guarantee high quality health care!  If there was...

Can Your Shower Curtain Make You Fat?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
A NY study published in Environmental Research found that among overweight kids that the higher the phthalate concentrations in their body, the higher their weight up to about 10%. Phthalates are plasticizers that make plastics like PVC flexible. They likely also disrupt the endocrine system and may well cause reduced sperm counts, testicular atrophy and an increased...

Cancer Prevention Strategies

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Lifestyle is the key to cancer prevention. Smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, exposure to toxins, stress, and lack of sleep are very important factors in causing cancer. Fast food is nutrient poor and calorie dense and are loaded with toxins. Detoxification is very important to keep immunity strong.    

Cardiac Benefits of Exercise

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Exercise reduces our risk of dying from heart attacks by at least 40%. More TV and less exercise leads to obesity and all of its complications. Sports are a great way to do the movement we like and stay fit. The mechanism of plaque formation and inflammation is explained. Exercise benefits angina, congestive heart failure, and abnormal rhythms.      

Causes of Eating Disorders

submitted by: admin on 02/19/2015
Eating disorders (bulimia and anorexia) are frequently triggered by traumatic events such as severe grief, relationship problems, or abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual) when there is insufficient support from family or friends. Eight million people suffer from these conditions and 20% will die within 20 years, 35% will recover, and the remaining 45% will suffer...

Childhood Obesity

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki review the factors leading to childhood obesity such as diet, lack of exercise, inadequate sleep, stress, too much TV, direct to consumer ads. The role of high fructose corn syrup and other sugars as well as fast foods are reviewed.        

Childhood Obesity and Lifestyle Measures

submitted by: admin on 02/21/2025
There is an epidemic of childhood obesity and much is related to high fructose corn sugar and other sugars and sedentary lifestyles. We need to eliminate TV ads and educate parents and kids about healthy lifestyles.

Cholesterol Drug Combinations

submitted by: admin on 08/14/2017
How low should cholesterol be lowered? Vytorin is a drug that contains both Zocor and Zetia and lowers cholesterol very powerfully. Most cardiologists believed this is really beneficial because the risk for heart attack goes down substantially. However, when a study was done on this and looked at all cause mortality, it was probably slightly increased!  Cholesterol...

Connection of Low Birth Weight and Obesity

submitted by: admin on 02/21/2025
Research continues to show just how important it is for pregnant women to eat a healthy diet and live a healthy lifestyle.  An article in the journal "Brain Research" states: Nutritionally deprived newborns and fetuses have less neurons in the region of the brain that controls food intake.  Because of the lack of neurons these babies are programmed...

Cooking with Dry Heat may Cause Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  A study published in the August issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that diets high in methylglyoxal, which is produced by dry heat, caused mice to develop early insulin resistance and increased body fat over four generations. This did not happen in the control mice not fed methylglyoxal. The abdominal fat in these mice...

Diabetes, The Epidemic is Growing

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Much of this epidemic is composed of people with normal blood sugars but high levels of insulin. The mechanisms of insulin action and its relationship to the metabolic syndrome are discussed.          

Diets: Which One is Right For You?

submitted by: admin on 10/29/2017
There are so many diets out there that it is very confusing to know which diet is right for each of us. We are all different and we have different metabolic needs. In general we eat too many carbohydrates, especially high fructose corn syrup and it leads to obesity and diabetes. Your needs depend on who you are and what your health issues are. You may need to...

Do Low Fat Foods Make Us Fat?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Low fat foods tend to be replaced with sugar and extra sugar is converted to fat. Excess sugar also leads to high insulin levels, hypertension, high triglycerides, and abdominal obesity. High fat, low carb diets lead to using fat for energy production, which is a healthy thing.          

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