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side effects

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Cholesterol and Statins

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki review cholesterol metabolism and point out why it is critical to have in our bodies. Statins interfere with the synthesis of both cholesterol and co-enzyme Q10 and have a wide range of serious side effects that are reviewed.      

Cholesterol: Are You Confused?

submitted by: admin on 09/08/2024
  Total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and their interrelationships and differences are discussed so that a fundamental understanding of what cholesterol is and what the ratios of the various subcategories means. High total cholesterol is not necessarily a dangerous is the ratio of total cholesterol to HDL that is the most predictive factor. The value...

Chronic Pain

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Half of all Americans have chronic pain that interfere with lifestyle. Back pain is most common. Solutions for pain relief are discussed including prayer! Drug and alcohol addictions are common. OTC drugss are common but are not safe.        

Consumer Drug Ads

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they sell prescription...

Cosmetic Ingredient Review by the FDA with Stacy Malkan

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  The cosmetic trade association does cosmetic ingredient reviews. The organization is composed of cosmetic manufacturers and people who they select to review their products for safety issues. The conflict of interest has led to a very poor job and for the most part this industry is not adequately regulated; the fox is guarding the hen house. There are...

Cough and Cold Medications for Children

submitted by: admin on 09/08/2024
There is little evidence showing that any over the counter cough and cold medications change the course of a cold. Yet there are clear dangers related to them and the FDA is at last looking at this issue. The topic is reviewed.

Death By Medicine

submitted by: admin on 09/08/2024
In a landmark publication, Gary Null et al review the impact of mainstream medical practice in causing morbidity and mortality in the US. Their shocking statistics are reviewed.There is a staggering one million people who die annually.   "Death By Medicine" Documentary Wins "Best of Fest" Award, February 9, 2011 We're thrilled to announce that our recently...

Direct to Consumer Ads, Why?

submitted by: admin on 09/08/2024
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they sell prescription...

Direct to Consumer Ads: Should They be Allowed?

submitted by: admin on 09/08/2024
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they...

Direct to Consumer Ads: Should They Be Allowed?

submitted by: admin on 09/08/2024
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they sell prescription...

Disclosure of Drug Side Effects by MDs

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
MDs rarely disclose the known side effects of a medication with their patients. The medical system expects to use drugs and because it is the primary form of treatment, MDs resist discouraging patients from using drugs.                

Diuretics, Hypertension, and Side Effects

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
How diuretics work in hypertension and their benefits, side effects, and problems are discussed. The ALLHAT study in JAMA in 2002 reviewed all classes of anti-hypertensives and made recommendations about the most intelligent choices for treatment. All drugs have problems; this is why lifestyle management becomes the most attractive approach for treatment because...

Diuretics: Are They Overused?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Diuretics are used for a number of reasons. They can be lifesaving for some conditions. Thiazide drugs are the best treatment for hypertension, but they have side effects too.      

Do Direct to Consumer Ads Work?

submitted by: admin on 09/08/2024
The karma of Big Pharma is revealed in a discussion of the business orientation and lack of ethics. Direct to consumer ads are banned in all countries except the US and New Zealand. Big pharma spends billions every year on DTC ads. Profit is the purpose. More money is spent on advertizing that on research! We are clearly susceptible to DTC ads, they sell prescription...

Do We Need Another Sleeping Pill?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
The FDA recently approved a drug called Intermezzo for use in the middle of the night wakening that is followed by difficulty returning to sleep. The drug is Ambien, but the dosage is much smaller and the indication is new. Here is another example of a drug company coming up with a novel treatment that treats the symptoms but not the cause. It also has potential...

Does Chiropractic Help with Cervical Headaches?

submitted by: admin on 06/01/2014
  There is a clear bias against chiropractic manipulation by most of mainstream medicine, but it is changing from public demand. There is a growing body of impressive evidence that it works for low back pain and for relieving headaches in people with cervical disc disease. In a meta-analysis of 9 studies, 6 showed a positive benefit from chiropractic....

Does Tamiflu Work?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  The World Health Organization and the CDC class Tamiflu as an essential drug and many countries have stockpiled the drug at great expense. However, in a recent article in the Public Library of Science, this premise is being challenged. Roche Pharmaceuticals has refused to release the scientific research related to this question. The public is paying...

Drug Reps Do Not Inform MDs About Dangerous Drug Side Effects

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
  An article published in the April issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine documented that drug reps fail to inform MDs about dangerous side effects in 59% of cases. Yet these MDs still reported that they we still likely to prescribe these drugs. This is against the law as well as immoral, but there is no resource to monitor what happens in...

Drug Side Effect Disclosures From Our MDs

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
MDs do not discuss all the side effects of medications; there is simply not enough time and they are trained to recommend drugs as the primary treatment for illness. And, Big Pharma does not disclose all side effects.        

Drugs Make Some Depressed People Worse

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
Up to a fifth of patients on SSRI antidepressants do worse than with placebo. There is no way to tell who will do worse. It is interesting that no comparison was made with exercise and no credit was given to placebo in this big pharma sponsored study published in Archives of Psychiatry in December of 2011. Little mention was made of the side effects such as GI...

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