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Abdominal Fat Causes Osteoporosis

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
  Abdominal fat causes inflammation and osteoporosis. So the metabolic syndrome is associated with bone thinning as well as insulin resistance, hypertension, elevated triglycerides and fat storage. It is very important to avoid sugar, especially high fructose corn syrup, and to exercise to lose abdominal fat. Lifestyle is important medicine. Addendum: Since...

About Inflammation

submitted by: admin on 05/08/2015
Inflammation as a cause of chronic diseases is described and defined.  The roles of cytokines and brown fat are explained.  A lifestyle that includes exercise, stress reduction, sleep, weight management, and a healthy diet is a powerful antidote. Cholesterol is a marker of inflammation, not the cause of it. Addendum: This is an excellent review...

American Society for Integrated Medical Practitioners with Russell Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
This new approach to medicine is based on integrative, holistic, person-centered care where the relationship between the patient and practitioner is sacred. Both an evidenced based and pragmatic approach is taken, which means that they look at causes first and not last. They must also compassionately set the example rather than preach treatments or lifestyle...

Anti-Aging Smaging with Lani Simpson, DC

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
We live in a culture that deifies youth. The Premarin and Provera fiasco is revealed. The conflict interest of Big Pharma is revealed. Bioidentical hormones are overdone too. Natural progesterone during perimenopause, especially with low bone density. The role of lifestyle with diet, exercise, sleep, stress reduction, weight management is highlighted.            

Artificial Sweeteners Increase Heart Attacks and Strokes

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
  People who consume at least one diet soda a day are at a 43% increased risk of developing a heart attack, stroke, or serious vascular event according to an article in the January issue of the Journal of General Internal Medicine. A study of 2500 people over 10 years was completed. However, drinking less than 7 diet sodas a week or drinking regular...

Ayurveda with Vijaya Stallings, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
The principles of Ayurveda are reviewed and the scope of its practice reviewed. Body types, diet and personality characteristics are explored. Ayurveda is more than a health care discipline, it is a lifestyle practice.

Babies Born to Abused Mothers Have More Morbidity and Mortality

submitted by: admin on 10/22/2024
The lifestyle of abused mothers is often not healthy for the child. The question of drug and alcohol use as well as poor diet, sleep, and stress all are factors leading to effects on the fetus. Their impact is discussed.

Being a Therapeutic Chef with Joni Sare

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Joni Sare joins Dr. Saputo and discusses making your life healthier through eating healthy food. We pay a price for eating junk foods that goes beyond nutrition. We review the importance of digestion, detoxification, and lifestyle. A personal chef can teach what we need to know to enjoy good health and vitality.

Both Diet and Exercise are Helpful in Weight Loss Programs

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Both exercise and dieting are helpful in weight loss programs. Being thin is insufficient in maintaining good health; exercise is also necessary. Fitness is still possible for people who are overweight. Even relatively thin people who do not exercise can have a high percentage of body fat.      

Bottom-Up Health Care: Eat Right, Eat Local

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Dr. Len Saputo, co-author of A Return to Healing: Radical Health Care Reform and the Future of Medicine, describes one city's goal to improve the healthfulness of food city-wide. He argues "we can do programs at the local level...and set an example for the surrounding community." ----- Dr. Len Saputo and Byron Belitsos talk about A Return...

Can Diet Treat ADD and ADHD?

submitted by: admin on 05/24/2016
  A study published in the journal, Pediatrics, in January of 2012 concluded that adding essential fatty acids could treat children with ADD and ADHD. It went on to state that adopting a healthy dietary pattern that includes fish, vegetables, fruit, legumes, and whole grains is a good idea because most kids with ADD and ADHD consume a diet high in fast...

Can Essential Oils Help Lower Blood Pressure?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  According to an article in the December 2012 issue of the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology short term (less than one hour) exposure to bergamot essential oil lowered blood pressure and heart rate by 2 mm of mercury systolic and heart rate by 1.7 beats per minute. This is minimal but significant. Prolonged exposure (more than one hour) led...

Can Surgery Bring on Alzheimer's Disease?

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Many of our seniors having surgery suffer cognitive loss and the question that often comes up is does the anesthesia or surgery itself cause the problem. An article published in the September issue of Annals of Surgery compared the effect of anesthesia alone vs anesthesia plus surgery and showed that in fact the surgery itself is the most potent in...

Cancer Prevention

submitted by: admin on 02/16/2015
The early detection of cancer is often confused with cancer prevention. It is far better to not get cancer than to deal with even the very earliest of cancers. A healthy lifestyle is the most powerful medicine in the universe and it is within our power to pay attention to the style in which we live our lives! We know what causes cancer and it is straightforward...

Cancer Prevention and Options for Treatment

submitted by: admin on 06/19/2016
The definition of cancer means that cancer cells don't die as they are programmed, they lack apoptosis. The reasons for this range from genetic defects to overgrowth of chromosomes. Cancer is believed to be caused by genetic and epigenetic factors that include poor lifestyle, radiation exposure, infections, pollution, and more. The spread of cancer is complicated;...

Cancer Treatment Options

submitted by: admin on 06/16/2015
  The treatment of cancer today is limited to mainstream therapies that include surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. In some states like California it is a felony to use integrative CAM therapies. Often times patients have to travel to other states or countries to obtain the treatment they want. Living a healthy lifestyle is usually more powerful...

Cancer: Managing it with Lifestyle

submitted by: admin on 06/24/2016
Lifestyle is the most potent treatment we have for cancer. Exercise, weight control, and vitamin D levels may lower the risk for getting cancer and also prolong life. Increasing our "wellness buffer" is one of the best kept secrets in cancer prevention and treatment.              

Candida Overview

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Candida is a controversial condition that is generally not recognized in mainstream medicine but often highlighted in alterntive medicine. An overgrowth of candida albicans is the culprit and associated symptoms can involve any organ system in the body and cause an enormous range of symptoms. By eradicating candida with antifungal agents and a diet...

Childhood Obesity

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki review the factors leading to childhood obesity such as diet, lack of exercise, inadequate sleep, stress, too much TV, direct to consumer ads. The role of high fructose corn syrup and other sugars as well as fast foods are reviewed.        

Children's Diet Can Affect Their IQ

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  Children fed healthy diets have a slightly higher IQ than those fed junk food by age eight. A study at the University of Adelaide compared home-prepared food, ready-prepared baby food, breast feeding, and junk food diets over the first two years of life and measured IQ at age eight. They found that the best diet had a two IQ point advantage and the...

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