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submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
Dr. Cutler shares advice on how to live longer and age less. Raw foods have more enzyme activity. Detoxification and exercise are important to improve body chemistry. The role of sugar in accelerating aging is discussed.
submitted by: admin on 05/13/2015
A healthy diet with plenty of fruits and veggies such as cruciferous veggies, spices, pomegranate, cranberry, etc. can help prevent or slow down the spread of cancer once it is there.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
High fructose corn syrup is perhaps the worst nutrient available that causes disease and is a big factor in causing the epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
submitted by: admin on 05/27/2016
The spice, saffron, shows promise in preventing liver cancer in animal models. Rats treated with the chemical carcinogen, diethylnitrosamine (DEN) there was an inhibition of cell proliferation and stimulation of apoptosis, both of which are important cancer treatment mechanisms. Chronic infection with hepatitis B or C are major risk factors for primary hepatocellular...
submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Nearly 70,000 toxic enviromental chemicals are now in our environment and the average person carries about 700 of them. It is possible to minimize exposure to these chemicals by avoiding exposure to VOCs (volatile organic chemicals) found in air fresheners, carpet cleaners, disinfectants, and paints, containers with bisphenol A (BPA), using organic...
submitted by: admin on 09/23/2013
Any crisis offers the opportunity to learn and Japan's experience with radiation is not an exception. They already are doing a lot that is part of the reason why they already live 8 years longer than we in the US. They have a detoxification diet that is part of their routine lifestyle that includes sea vegetables and foods high in sulfur. In particular they...
submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
In people who are overweight that have high blood pressure, potatoes lowered their blood pressure about 4% and did not cause weight gain over a 30 day period. It is the condiments that lead to weight gain. Most foods that are unadulterated are healthy for us.
submitted by: admin on 04/07/2015
Plant based diets help prevent cancer and its spread. Refined carbohydrates stimulate the growth of cancer. Real foods with sugars do not stimulate cancer. How can you clean up your act: create a natural environment. This in combination with oncology is a reasonable approach that works. We need open-minded oncologists for this.
submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Our cells produce more acid than alkaline buffer. It is partly because of what we eat, but it is inherent in our metabolism. The body is acidic by nature and alkaline by design. Our mineral reserves are deep, but over years we become depleted and suffer from many diseases. Only one brand of pH paper that is reliable. The first morning urine or after 6 hours of...
submitted by: admin on 03/10/2025
Big pharma has pushed using a combination of several pills (the PolyPill) for everyone to prevent diseases without regard to the complications. The PolyMeal is about having certain foods in your diet regularly to promote health.
submitted by: admin on 01/06/2015
A study out of Ohio State University that was published in the December 2014 issue of Clinical Pediatrics showed that students eating the most fast food compared to those not consuming it much had 20% lower test scores by the eighth grade. This was a study of about 12,000 kids starting from the 5th grade and rechecking their growth in reading, math, and...
submitted by: admin on 12/18/2014
A study published in November of 2014 in Nutrition Today shows that high antioxidant spices enhance our health and protect against diseases such as heart disease. The researchers found that when eating a high fat diet that by adding high antioxidant spices such as garlic, rosemary, oregano, cinnamon, cloves, turmeric, ginger and black pepper, that levels...