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Acid Blockers Triple Risk of C. Diff Infections

submitted by: admin on 11/24/2019
  Use of proton pump inhibitors such as Prilosec, Nexium, Protonix, Aciphex and others were associated with a 320% increase in C. diff enterocolitis after just 30 days of treatment. PPIs block the absorption of calcium, magnesium, iron and B12 and increase the risk for osteoporosis, senile dementia, and cardiac rhythm disturbances as well.                  

Biofeedback as Mind Body Medicine with Eric Peper, PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Biofeedback is a mirror that feeds back what the body is doing. We can use measurement tools to show us what is going on at all levels to provide awareness of what is happening and then learn from the patterns of our body function and then modify the way we respond through the use of imagery and thought. Some of its use is for pain of headaches, hypertension,...


submitted by: admin on 02/16/2015
There is an epidemic of anxiety and depression. Today's world is filled with emotional challenge. How many families do you know that aren't dysfunctional? And who do you know that has not spent time with a counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist at some time in their life? In some circles it is almost a status symbol to be in psychotherapy! And, it is...

Do We Need Another Sleeping Pill?

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2013
The FDA recently approved a drug called Intermezzo for use in the middle of the night wakening that is followed by difficulty returning to sleep. The drug is Ambien, but the dosage is much smaller and the indication is new. Here is another example of a drug company coming up with a novel treatment that treats the symptoms but not the cause. It also has potential...

Do You Need a Brain Scan if You Have Headaches

submitted by: admin on 04/03/2014
According to an article out of the Univerity of Michigan Medical Center that was published in March of 2014 in the journal, Internal Medicine, we spend about a billion dollars a year for unnecessary brain scans (MRIs and CT scans) on people who have headaches. Their research showed that the incidence of brain tumors, brain aneurysms, and AV malformations...

Drug Free Treatments for Headache's

submitted by: admin on 04/18/2015
  Drugs are not necessary very often to relieve headaches, yet that is the approach taken by conventional medicine. Chiropractic adjustment of the neck is effective, especially if there is misalignment. Treating the triggers of headache can relieve the pain within minutes using infrared light treatments. There are a wide range of disciplines, especially...


submitted by: admin on 09/22/2013
  Headaches can be divided into types and their treatment varies with each type; this is reviewed. Over the counter drugs are commonly used but are not completely safe. Over use of many drugs can lead to addiction. Both mainstream and CAM approaches to manage headaches are discussed. In particular, infrared light therapy is discussed. Integrative approaches...

Headaches Health Assessment

submitted by: admin on 02/20/2015
  Dr. Saputo's Headache Health Assessment assesses the frequency and severity of your headaches, possible causes that are often overlooked, the treatment you're using and what is possible, and what workup might need to be done to determine the best strategies to get rid of your pain.   Most headaches are relieved within five minutes...

Headaches in Children

submitted by: admin on 06/01/2014
Headaches in kids are more common than most of us appreciate; perhaps 4% of all children have chronic headaches. Trauma is a common cause from injuries. Misalignment of the spine is a common finding, especially in the cervical spine. Stress is common for most kids; life has become very complicated and difficult to balance. Home life is common as well with siblings,...

How to Treat Headaches in Children

submitted by: admin on 03/10/2025
  3-4% of children have headaches. Neck pain is where most headaches stem from. Stress aggravates the tendency to headaches. Quality of sleep is a big tipoff for stress-induced headaches. Caffeine usage has increased and caffeine withdrawl is one of the most common causes for headaches in the US.

Marriage Brings Better Health

submitted by: admin on 10/10/2013
Being married brings better health and happiness through connection, sharing, companionship, and support. Many gain weight. Dr. Len and Nurse Vicki playfully look at the plusses and minuses of marriage.

Overuse-age of Medication Is The Leading Cause of Headaches

submitted by: admin on 10/12/2013
  Overuse of medications is the leading cause of headaches! We rely on treating the symptoms of headaches with drugs rather than their cause. New approaches using infrared light therapy are very promising and safe.          

Placebo is as effective as drugs to prevent migranes in kids

submitted by: admin on 10/14/2013
  According to an article published in the January issue of the journal, Pediatrics, placebo is as effective as drugs in preventing migraine headaches in children. Only two drugs, Topamax and trazadone, worked better than placebo, and the very minimal benefits were not worth the risks from side effects.  The benefit of placebo was a reduction...

The Best Way to Relieve a Migraine Headache

submitted by: admin on 01/22/2014
A Harvard Medical School study published in the January 2014 issue of Science Translational Medicine quantified the effect of placebo vs a drug called Maxalt in people with migraine headaches. They gave 66 patients who had over 450 attacks one of six treatments. Two were made with positive expectations (envelopes labeled with Maxalt), two with negative...

When is it Okay to Take an Antidepressant

submitted by: admin on 09/13/2014
In our pharmaceutically oriented culture, antidepressants are often looked as the solution for depression. We want the quickest fix that will get us back on our feet and back to work. And the medical profession has been trained to resort to using antidepressants, especially the SSRI type that include Prosac, Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, Paxil, and Luvox rather than...

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