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Anger Management with David McArthur, JD

submitted by: admin on 05/12/2015
Anger is a protective mechanism to a sense of powerlessness. It can be well intentioned but is always toxic and costly. Science from the Institute of HeartMath documents how our memory is linked to our entire physiology. Immuniity is suppressed after just 5 minutes of anger. The feeling of care does the opposite and is a powerful tool.              

Laugh More and Stress Less with Alice Glasser, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Humor is a great healer. When we laugh we activate very powerful brain chemicals that support healing. Dr. Glasser gives examples and shows us how to use laughter to combat stress and its negative effects.          

Laughter is Good Medicine with Sue Walden

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Laughter is a wonderful stress reducer. Improvisational theater is a tool to achieve that. Learning to be authentic relieves stresss. Playing games helps getting into the moment and stepping outside of expectations of self-judgment. Letting go and trusting are keys to life and to improv.              

Seven Tips to Boost Your Immunity against Swine Flu, By Dr. Len Saputo

submitted by: admin on 03/04/2025
           "A Return to Healing" Blog:  Tue, 11/17/2009 - 15:26 — BBelitsos • Eat a healthy diet and avoid sugarWe know that without the raw materials our bodies need, we simply cannot make the nutrients required to boost our immunity; we also know that refined sugar impairs the ability of our white-blood cells...

Type 3 Diabetes and Alzheimer's Disease with Russ Jaffe, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
There is an epidemic of Alzheimer's disease. Diabetes of the brain is called type 3. The brain makes its own diabetes and its own receptor sites. Alzheimer's is an energetic glucose regulation defect that leads to an energy deficiency. We cannot use the glut of sugar that is available because it cannot be transported into brain cells because of insulin...

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