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The Meaning of Community with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Aboriginal thought of self is that we are part of our community. The "bigger than me" includes everything and everything I do to the planet I do to me. We must redefine our self as community. It includes as food, water, air, soil and all that there is.  As society moves more and more away from nature, we lose our sense of interconnectedness. ...

The Menopause Cure with Ellen Cutler

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The reason why women experience menopause is far more than hormone fluctuations. Over-consumption of carbohydrates is what Dr. Cutler believes is the underlying cause of menopausal symptoms. Taking a digestive enzyme and avoiding grains has helped her patients. She contends that grains cannot be digested and an autoimmune reaction develops that leads to symptoms...

The Origin of Fear is Desire with Vijaya Stallings, PhD

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2024
As soon as we have expectations we have desires and the fear is that if we fail we won't be okay. Desire with attachments are the most challenging. Life isn't just about us individually as it is as a collective whole.

The Power of Consciousness with John Renesch

submitted by: admin on 09/20/2024
Consciousness is the generating force that starts change, creativity, process, content, etc. It can be both positive and negative. Much of today’s mode of action is immersed in a negative fatal fundamentalism and dogma.

The Precedence of Psychiatric Illness in Gangs

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  A study in the UK published in the July 2013 issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry showed that gang members and violent men aged 18-34 had a very high incidence of antisocial behavior (86%), alcoholism (66%), drug addiction (57%), suicide attempts (34%), and anxiety (59%). They blamed this on a much higher incidence of psychiatric illness than...

The Psychology of Covid 19

submitted by: admin on 08/11/2020
Most of us don't have a good understanding of Covid 19 or how it is being played to create havoc in the world. It isn't easy to understand the science of Covid 19 or the actions that are being imposed on us by our government and possibly the deep state. The separation mandating masks, lockdowns, and social distancing is only one aspect...

The Role of Nutrition in Chronic Diseases

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The role of nutrition in managing chronic diseases cannot be overemphasized. It is not possible to make the nutrients we need without taking in the right raw! Dr. Ed Bauman reviews with us how he manages chronic diseases using foods, supplements and lifestyle to support the return to wellness.           

The Role of Spirit in Healing with Francesco Garri Garripoli

submitted by: admin on 04/20/2015
Francesco and Dr. Len have an in depth conversation about the role of spirit in healing. They relate to illness as a physical manifestation of psychospiritual dis-ease and explain its immense value in learning important lessons about life. Gratitute for the opportunity to learn from our suffering is an important first step in the journey that leads to healing...

The Role of Spirit in Healing with Jim Conlon

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
  We live in a culture characterized by fragmentation within and alienation without. All that is in the universe will heal itself if properly stimulated. Health and healing is about creating the conditions that allow healing to occur.

The Science of Health Medicine with Richard Kunin, MD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
There has been a bias against the science of nutrition in mainstream medical practice. There are many nutritional strategies that are very effective in treating diseases that are not addressed because of the bias.            

The Shame of Obesity

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Shame and humility, especially in teens and pre-teens are a huge problem. We explore the underlying issues that lead to obesity and look at how they can be managed. Social standards vary widely in different eras.          

The Shock of a Life-Ending Illness

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
The journey from shock to managing treatments, dealing with family and finances, and dealing with getting treatment is discussed. Taking time to digest what happened is important.          

The True Role of Antidepressants in Healthcare with Meg Jordan, PhD, RN

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
SSRIs have been shown to be no better than placebo in a large metaanalysis. Psychiatry has taken a huge step backwards by turning to psychopharmacology. Treating symptoms rather than looking at the deeper causes of depression is naive except in rare occasions. Placebo is a powerful tool that evolkes the neurobiology of the body.              

The Voice of Reason May 11-15

submitted by: admin on 06/16/2020
  Cutting through the confusion generated by fake news and itsbrainwashing hyperbole has left us all wondering what to believe about Covid 19. The Voice of Reason podcasts are intended to provide a commonsense commentary from authors and wellness advocates renown physician Len Saputo, MD and international Qigong Teacher Francesco Garripoli....

The Voice of Reason with Francesco and Dr Len

submitted by: admin on 03/19/2021
Cutting through the confusion generated by fake news and brainwashing hyperbole that has left us all wondering what to believe about COVID 19. Solid medical science and research data from the CDC and global health experts are reviewed and discussed.   The Voice of Reason podcasts are intended to provide a common sense commentary from authors...

The Voices of Reason

submitted by: admin on 02/04/2023
Cutting through the confusion generated by fake news and brainwashing hyperbole that has left us all wondering what to believe about COVID 19. Solid medical science and research data from the CDC and global health experts are reviewed and discussed.   The Voice of Reason Shows are intended to provide a common sense commentary from authors...

The World of the Person in Pain with John Leonard, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Pain causes a stress reaction as the first response. The world of the pain patient begins to shrink down and our capacity to function does too. It also shrinks the world of the important people in their lives. Ultimately this leads to depression and withdrawl.            

Therapeutic Yoga with Bonnie Maeda, RN

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Yoga can be used to treat medical conditions such as cancer or fibromyalgia. Restorative yoga is more passive and receptive. Combining poses that are supported with breathing techniques a deep relaxation state is achieved.            

Touch with Deane Juhan

submitted by: admin on 10/17/2013
Touch has a profound effect on our development. Sensate awareness regulates how our physiology and emotions develop and operate. We can learn more about who we are through touch and it is a powerful tool for recovery.          

Tracking Lifestyle Changes

submitted by: admin on 10/19/2019
Lifestyle is our most important prescription for good health. On you can track your progress over time using our unique tracking system on your very own home page. Once you become a member you can follow your lifesytyle changes and your improvement over time of any health care condition you have and see how much healthier you are.          

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