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Are Statins Castrating Men?

submitted by: admin on 05/26/2015
In an editorial published in, Sayer Ji reviewed an article published in the July 2014 issue of Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology on the effects of 10 mg of Lipitor after 5 months of treatment in 17 normal men with normal cholesterol values. They found major abnormalities in both sperm morphology and function as well as in the seminal...

Bowen Therapy with Kevin Minney

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
This treatment of massaging across muscles increases circulation and lymphatic drainage and reduces muscle tension and sympathetic tone. It works very quickly in acute injuries and pre & post surgery.          

Cataract Surgery Prevents Hip Fractures

submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
  People over age 65 who had cataract surgery had a lower chance of a hip fracture 1 year after the procedure according to an article published in JAMA in August of 2012. Cataracts cause visual changes that result in postural instability and in combination with the loss of strength and loss of bone strength that occurs with aging, this leads to more...

Corporate Alexander Work with John Baron

submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
Alexander training can be used in a corporate setting to manage injuries and pain. Observation is the first step in understanding what the needs are for pain relief. How people express themselves is powerful information that helps guide how and which parts of treatment will be offered. The best therapists are lifestyle coaches. Learning Alexander work takes...

Energy Psychology

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
Energy psychology is coming into its own as a bonified field of psychology. It originally developed from applied kinesiology and muscle testing. According to Eugene Gendlin, psychotherapy is about energetic shifts, called a felt shift, that happen when someone finds new meaning on a life issue. There are interesting tapping techniques that can activate energy...

Estrogen Blockers for Breast Cancer Treatment

submitted by: admin on 09/21/2013
  Estrogen blockers (Tamoxifen) are often used to treat breast cancer with estrogen sensitive tumors in premenopausal women. Yet there are problems such as an increased rate of uterine cancer and clotting problems. In postmenopausal women, most estrogen does not come from the ovary; it comes from estrogen production in fat tissues and from the conversion...

How Safe Are Newly Approved Drugs?

submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
New drugs are the poorest tested and Americans are the guinea pigs for the first few years after release. Most new drugs have new side effects reported and 20% wind up off the market or with black box warnings. The FDA does not regulate Big Pharma and has a conflict of interest position with them

Hypertension and Qigong with Michael Mayer, PhD

submitted by: admin on 10/08/2013
Qigong is an ancient form of exercise that cultivates the energy of life by synchronizing breath and movement, certain postures, using touch, sound and imagery. Blood pressure is modifyable through the breath and imagery.            

Is Self Management of Drugs Safe and Effective?

submitted by: admin on 10/09/2013
Competent patients manage their medications better than routine care, but those who are not competent get into big trouble, especially when coming out of the hospital. Diabetics regulate their own insulin. Various combinations of teamwork is most effective. Hypertension is also a good example where patient titration of medication can work well.      

Lack of Sleep and Risk for Aggressive Breast Cancer

submitted by: admin on 06/30/2016
  Getting less than 6 hours a night of sleep is a risk factor in postmenopausal women with stage 1 or 2, estrogen positive, node negative breast cancer using the Oncotype DX tumor test. It measures the risk of tumor recurrence based on the expression of 21 oncogenes. Lack of sleep causes inflammation in the body that increases the risk for obesity,...

Med Students Train in Cuba

submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
Quite strangely, US med students are now training in Cuba and are coming back to the US to work in underprivileged areas. Parallels of Cuban and US health care are made.

Music Benefits Surgical Patients

submitted by: admin on 10/11/2013
  A study out of the University of Kentucky published in November of 2012 in the Southern Medical Journal showed that music therapy can benefit patients pre-operatively, intra-operatively, and post-operatively. They found that patients needed less sedative medication, recovered more quickly, had shorter ICU stays, felt better, and had lower hospital...

Post Heart Attack Support Protocol

submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
  Once you have had a heart attack it is important to work with a qualified cardiologist to assess the complications of heart disease that include angina, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, and factors related to disease progression. Dr. Saputo also recommends a complete integrative program that includes lifestyle, diet, and supplements to...

POST STROKE: Nutritional Support Protocol

submitted by: admin on 11/26/2013
  The cause of most strokes is the result of interrupted blood flow to the brain from plaque, clots, and bleeding. Transient ischemic attacks are often the warning of an impending stroke and they are a medical emergency. It is critical to maintain a normal blood pressure. The best treatment to prevent a stroke is a healthy lifestyle. There are a...

Quitting Smoking Before Surgery

submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
We know smoking is unhealthy, but before surgery it is particularly problematic. Stopping before surgery makes a big difference in the risk for post operative pulmonary problems. The advantages are discussed.

Should Calorie Counts Be Posted on Restaurant Menus

submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
When calorie counts are posted we tend to consume fewer calories. Legislation passed in NY and should be in California soon to require posting. Super-size me has become the norm and we must stop this.

Surprise: Bone Drug Boosts Survival in Young Breast Cancer Patients

submitted by: admin on 10/16/2013
Zometa, a bisphosphonate drug used to prevent bone metastases in women with breast cancer, was serendipitously found to reduce metastases and extend life by 37%. This translates to 4-5 out of 100 being alive 7 years later. An IV infusion was given every six months for 3 years. Cost is between $1500 and $2500 per injection. All patients were early-stage and had...

The Saftey of Newly Approved Drugs

submitted by: admin on 03/14/2025
We are guinea pigs whenever a new drug comes onto the market. This is especially true for drugs that are "fast tracked" through the FDA. Post approval clinical trials are required in this setting by the FDA from big pharma, but often they are not done. Older drugs that have been on the market for decades are generally better tested and safer.

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