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submitted by: admin on 05/28/2020
Dr. Len and Chief Phillip Scott explored the benefits of Covid 19 in bringing harmony and balance back into our lives. From the Native American perspective, it represents a collective initiation and purification and an awakening for us to evolve from separation to community. The answers to making this transition are offered in the dream world where we commune...
submitted by: admin on 05/19/2015
If you are a psychic or visionary, psychology could assign a diagnosis of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Modern psychiatry does not embrace spirituality or spiritual visions; they are regarded as psychotic episodes. The bible is full of examples of visions. What are we to make of them?
With the advent of Newtonian "science" came the expulsion...
submitted by: admin on 03/01/2025
What makes a "real" man? Digging deep into our own hearts and souls and connecting to universal energy is the pathway. We should worry more about who we are than what we do. Running life from the inside rather than the outer person is where the hidden spirituality lives. The return to wholeness is the journey of the "real" man.
submitted by: admin on 11/07/2013
A study published in the journal Psycho-Oncology in October of 2013 showed that even though being diagnosed with breast cancer is intially a very stressful and fear-filled experience, there are benefits that included enhanced personal relationships, increased appreciation for life, a sense of personal strength, greater spirituality, and changes in life's...
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Conscious nutrition relates to the relationship we have with food and includes its growth, harvesting, preparation, and consumption. It is more than about how it is assimilated by the body. It also includes social factors that encourage community.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
We have to eat to live, yet conscious nutrition goes beyond biochemistry. Environment has a lot to do with what we eat and what it does for us. Conversely, what we do to the environment has a lot to do with what food has in it and how it affects us. About 45% of what we produce is discarded. Production of beef is very costly to the environment and pollution.
submitted by: admin on 09/19/2013
Food is central to life and conscious nutrition is more than about biochemistry. It also relates to the environment at dinner time. Our culture is built on speed and fast food is a real problem. Appreciation of the soil, environmental impacts, and connections with family are integral factors. We are in relationship with all that there is.
submitted by: admin on 06/01/2014
Despite differences in rituals and belief among the world's major religions (Buddhism, Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Protestants), spirituality often enhances health regardless of a person's faith according to researchers at the University of Missouri.
Actually, anything you believe, whether in self, others, or spirit, has a powerful effect...
submitted by: admin on 03/10/2015
Dr. Len was invited to speak to 540 MDs in Aix en Provance in November of 2014 on the Role of Spirit in Healing. This is a 10 minute exerpt of the speech.
submitted by: admin on 06/01/2014
Balancing work, family, health, friends, and spirit. Work is a rubber ball and the others are made of glass. Balance ultimately comes from the heart. You cannot give what you don't have, and love is what is involved. Technology has led to much of what has unbalanced us. Take time for yourself; quiet time. Be playful and get and give enough love;...
submitted by: admin on 09/24/2013
The role of spirit in life leads the way for some people like Jim Parker who is a world champion tennis player. The choices we make in life have a lot to do with how it unfolds; so from that perspective we co-create our future. Tennis matches for a mature tennis pro like Jim are a dance with your partner who happens to be on the other side of the net. Your partner...
submitted by: admin on 03/01/2025
Bringing the wisdom of different practitioners together creates a healing environment. There is tenacity towards life in every cell without which no medical intervention could work. Mother Nature is a combination between the cooperation of billions of cells in the human body with the environment. Medical lpractitiobners can help some patients, but they can harm...
submitted by: admin on 07/10/2020
There is so much conflicting and disinformation about Covid 19 that it is near impossible for the average person to know the truth about its impact on America. It is difficult enough even for doctors who have spent hundreds of hours studying Covid 19 to know this. This coupled with the conflicts of interest of the FDA, CDC, NIH, and WHO adds tremendously to the...
submitted by: admin on 03/01/2025
Reconciling science and spirituality is possible through the philosophy of Arthur Young. The Theory of Bioprocess is the outcome of work from Frank Barr and Mike Buchele.
submitted by: admin on 03/01/2025
Science and spirituality are at separate ends of the same spectrum. In terms of quantum physics we've learned that the conscious observer influences the outcome of what happens in life. New age thinking has similarities to new age narcissism in the it tends to assign power to the individual rather than thinking in terms of oneness.
submitted by: admin on 03/01/2025
The science and spirituality of the shaman split when Newtonian physics took over medicine. Whatever we did not understand was simply discarded. Spirituality was relegated back to the domain of the church. Now that Einsteinian physics, or quantum physics, has moved forward, it has once again become clear that science and spirituality are merely different ends...
submitted by: admin on 06/18/2020
Resolving the Change, America Needs with Jared Dalen and Dr. Len Saputo MD
Tonight is the beginning of a new era for The Voice of Reason. Until now, Dr. Len has focused on the science behind Covid 19 and the perspective of how the mainstream medical news has analyzed it. What has
emerged from this information that seems isolated and disjointed,...
submitted by: admin on 07/10/2020
Tonight is the beginning of a new era for The Voice of Reason. Until now, Dr. Len has focused on the science behind Covid 19 and the perspective of how the mainstream medical news has analyzed it. What has emerged from this information that seems isolated and disjointed, is seems confusing, however, after months of analysis turns out to be an underlying highly...
submitted by: admin on 03/06/2014
Science and spirituality are on the same spectrum but on opposite poles. Vicki and I believe they are always perfectly aligned and congruent. Modern science does not understand the nature of spirit or how it works and rather than study it, it chooses to simply throw it out and leave it to the domain of the church. This is not good science! Hiding our scientific...
submitted by: admin on 05/24/2016
There is an intricate organization and incredible perfection in the universe that is mindboggling. While there is always a scientific explanation for how the universe works, it has eluded even the great Albert Einstein who states that there is no logical path to the laws of the universe and that the only path to these laws is a combination of intuition and experience.